ERF-GPU / 2023-04-08-001/

Benchmarks updated
comment: remake with CUDA=FALSE after fix to fast integrator

test input parameter file: ERF-tests.ini

combined build time for all tests: 409.1194260120392 s

wall clock time for all tests: 122.08394765853882 s

Git update was done at: 2023-04-08 11:31:05 PDT


test nameresultcomment
ABL-DeardorffBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is ABL-Deardorff_plt00050
ABL-MOSTBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is ABL-MOST_plt00010
ABL-SmagBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is ABL-Smag_plt00050
DensityCurrentBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_plt00100
DensityCurrent_TerrainBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_Terrain_plt00100
IsentropicVortexBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is IsentropicVortex_plt00050
TaylorGreenAdvDiffBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is TaylorGreenAdvDiff_plt00050
TaylorGreenAdvDiffDoubleDenBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is TaylorGreenAdvDiffDoubleDen_plt00050
TaylorGreenAdvectingBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is TaylorGreenAdvecting_plt00050
WPS_TestBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is WPS_Test_plt00001
WPS_Test_TerrainBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is WPS_Test_Terrain_plt00001