- Build/Test information:
- Build directory: benchmarks/01-HCS/Size0008
- Parallel run
- Restart test
- Job was run as normal and then restarted from checkpoint # 5, and the two final outputs were compared
- Files:
- Dimensionality: 3
- Compilation:
- Compilation time: 16.605 s
- Compilation command:
cmake --build /home/regtester/git/mfix/builddir -j 8 -- mfix
- make output
- Execution:
- Execution time: 13.287 s
- 5 run average: 12.753 s
- Relative performance: 4.2% slower
- Execution command:
mpiexec -n 1 ./BENCH01-restart-Godunov.ex inputs.rt amr.plot_file=BENCH01-restart-Godunov_plt amr.restart=BENCH01-restart-Godunov_chk00005 amr.check_file=BENCH01-restart-Godunov_chk amr.checkpoint_files_output=0 amrex.the_arena_init_size=0 amr.plt_regtest=0 mfix.advection_type="Godunov" mfix.redistribution_type="StateRedist" mfix.cfl=0.9
- execution output
- execution stderr
- job_info
- Comparison:
/home/regtester/git/amrex/Tools/Plotfile//fcompare.gnu.ex --abort_if_not_all_found -n 0 --rel_tol 1e-12 orig_BENCH01-restart-Godunov_plt00010 BENCH01-restart-Godunov_plt00010
variable name | absolute error | relative error |
| (||A - B||) | (||A - B||/||A||) |
level = 0 |
u_g | 2.498001805e-16 | 5.336977874e-16 |
v_g | 2.775557562e-16 | 6.663385977e-16 |
w_g | 1.387778781e-16 | 2.888242345e-16 |
ep_g | 1.110223025e-16 | 1.110223025e-16 |