REMORA-GPU / 2024-05-22-001/

Benchmarks updated
comment: adding GLS and adjust ML due to Ak nodality

test input parameter file: rt-REMORA/REMORA-tests.ini

combined build time for all tests: 267.3959515094757 s

wall clock time for all tests: 31.456780672073364 s

Git update was done at: 2024-05-22 09:20:54 PDT


test nameresultcomment
Advection-1grid-xy-MLBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is Advection-1grid-xy-ML_plt00100
Advection-xy-MLBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is Advection-xy-ML_plt00100
Upwelling_GLSBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is Upwelling_GLS_plt00100
Upwelling_GLS_Canuto_ABENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is Upwelling_GLS_Canuto_A_plt00100
Upwelling_GLS_Canuto_BBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is Upwelling_GLS_Canuto_B_plt00100