ERF / 2024-11-25-003/

Benchmarks updated
comment: we have modified the dry compressible density to average rho0 and Tpert separately rather than averaging (rho0 * Tpert)

test input parameter file: ERF-tests.ini

combined build time for all tests: 479.3691453933716 s

wall clock time for all tests: 95.3984260559082 s

Git update was done at: 2024-11-25 17:06:52 PST


test nameresultcomment
DensityCurrentBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_plt00100
DensityCurrent-OMPBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent-OMP_plt00100
DensityCurrent_TerrainBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_Terrain_plt00100
DensityCurrent_Terrain-OMPBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_Terrain-OMP_plt00100
DensityCurrent_mlBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is DensityCurrent_ml_plt00450