



Aaron Lattanzi

Research Scientist, Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division

Contact Information

Aaron Lattanzi
MS 50A-3111
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
1 Cyclotron Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94720

[email protected]

Affiliation and Research Interests

Aaron is a research scientist in the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering (CCSE) in the Computing Sciences Area at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Aaron is broadly interested in efficient solution methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) and statistical mechanics. Currently, Aaron focuses on the simulation of atmospheric and multiphase flows. Aaron is a core developer of the Energy Research and Forcasting (ERF) software, a next-generation atmospheric modeling code. Additionally, Aaron contributes to the development of MFIX-Exa, an exa-scale enabled multiphase flow solver that employs the discrete element method. Prior to joining LBNL, Aaron held a postdoctoral appointments in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan (supervised by Prof. Jesse Capecelatro) as well as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Aaron's PhD was earned at the University of Colorado (supervised by Prof. Christine Hrenya) and his undergraduate studies were completed at the University of Washington.

Selected Publications

  • Lattanzi A.M., Almgren A, et al. (2025) ERF: Energy Research and Forecasting Model, submitted for publication. [arXiv]
  • Lattanzi A.M., Fullmer W., Myers A. & Musser J. (2024) Towards polydisperse flows with MFIX-Exa, ASME. J. Fluids Eng. [doi].
  • Almgren A., Lattanzi A.M., et al. (2023) ERF: Energy Research and Forecasting, Journal of Open Source Software. [doi]
  • Lattanzi A.M. & Subramaniam S. (2023) Stochastic models, in Modelling approaches and computational methods for particle-laden turbulent flows. [doi]
  • Lattanzi A.M., Tavanashad V., Subramaniam S. & Capecelatro J. (2022) Fluid-mediated sources of granular temperature at finite Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. [doi]
  • Lattanzi A.M., Tavanashad V., Subramaniam S. & Capecelatro J. (2022) Stochastic model for the hydrodynamic force in Euler--Lagrange simulations of particle-laden flows, Physical Review Fluids. [doi]
  • Lattanzi A.M., Tavanashad V., Subramaniam S. & Capecelatro J. (2021) Stochastic models for capturing dispersion in particle-laden flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. [doi]
  • Ciesielski P., Pecha M., Lattanzi A.M., et al. (2020) Advances in Multiscale Modeling of Lignocellulosic Biomass, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. [doi]
  • Lattanzi A.M., Pecha M., Bharadwaj V. \& Ciesielski P. (2020) Beyond the effectiveness factor: Multi-step reactions with intraparticle diffusion limitations, Chemical Engineering Journal. [doi]