Hannah Klion, Robert Hetland, Jean Sexton, Ann Almgren, Iulian Grindeanu, Kyle Hinson,
Vijay Mahadevan
REMORA: Regional Modeling of Oceans Refined Adaptively (built on AMReX),
Journal of Open Source Software, Submitted.
R. Jambunathan, H. Jones, L. Corrales, H. Klion, M. Rowan, A. Myers, W. Zhang, and J.-L. Vay,
Application of mesh refinement to relativistic magnetic reconnection ,
Physics of Plasmas, 32, 013905, January 2025.
Y. Tang, W. Xu, J. Cao, J. Ma, W. Gao, S. Farrell, B. Erichson, M. W. Mahoney, A. Nonaka, Z. Yao,
MatterChat: A Multi-Modal LLM for Material Science,
submitted for publication, 2025.
Aaron Lattanzi, Ann Almgren, Eliot Quon, Mahesh Natarajan, Branko Kosovic, Jeffrey Mirocha,
Bruce Perry, David Wiersema, Donald Willcox, Xingqiu Yuan, Weiqun Zhang,
ERF: Energy Research and Forecasting Model,
submitted for publication, 2025.
J. B. Bell, A. Nonaka, and A. L. Garcia,
Comment on "Brownian motion of droplets induced by thermal noise",
submitted for publication, 2025.
I. Srivastava, A. J. Nonaka, W. Zhang, A. L. Garcia, and J. B. Bell,
Molecular Fluctuations Inhibit Intermittency in Compressible Turbulence,
submitted for publication, 2025.
Qianqian Su, F. Li, W. An, V. Decyk, Y. Zhao, L. Hildebrand, T.N. Dalichaouch, S. Zhou, P. Alves, A.S. Almgren and W.B. Mori,
Mesh refinement in QuickPIC,
submitted for publication.
Ana Djurdjevac, Ann Almgren, and John Bell,
A Hybrid Algorithm for Systems of Non-interacting Particles,
submitted for publication, 2025.
S. S. Sawant, F. Leonard, Z. Yao, A. Nonaka,
ELEQTRONeX: A GPU-Accelerated Exascale Framework for Non-Equilibrium Quantum Transport in Nanomaterials,
submitted for publication, 2025.
Y. Tang, R. Chen, M. Lou, J. Fan, C. Yu, A. Nonaka, Z. Yao., W. Gao,
Optical Neural Engine for Solving Scientific Partial Differential Equations,
submitted for publication, 2025.
M. Polimeno, C. Kim, F. Blanchette, I. Srivastava, A. L. Garcia, A. Nonaka, and J. B. Bell,
Thermodynamic consistency and fluctuations in mesoscopic stochastic simulations of reactive gas mixtures,
submitted for publication, 2025.
J. B. Bell, A. Nonaka, and A. L. Garcia,
Spherical and sessile droplet dynamics by fluctuating hydrodynamics,
Physics of Fluids, 37, 012024, 2025.
J. M. Monti, I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, A. P. Santos, J. B. Lechman, G. S. Grest,
Emergence of Intermediate Range Order in Jammed Packings,
submitted for publication, 2025.
Bruce J. Palmer, Connah G.M. Johnson, Ann S. Almgren, Andrew T Myers, and William R. Cannon,
Three-dimensional modeling of hyphal fusion, branching and nutrient tranport in
filamentous fungi,
to appear, 2025.
Michael B. Kuhn, Marc T. Henry de Frahan, Prakash Mohan, Georgios Deskos, Matthew Churchfield,
Lawrence Cheung, Ashesh Sharma, Ann Almgren, Shreyas Ananthan, Michael Brazell, Luis A. Martinez-Tossas,
Regis Thedin, Jon Rood, Philip Sakievich, Ganesh Vijayakumar, Weiqun Zhang, and Michael Sprague,
AMR-Wind: A performance-portable, high-fidelity flow solver for wind farm simulations,
to appear, 2025.
Alejandro L. Garcia, John B. Bell, Andrew Nonaka, Ishan Srivastava, Daniel Ladiges, Changho Kim,
An Introduction to Computational Fluctuating Hydrodynamics,
R. Zgadzaj, J. Welch, Y. Cao, L. D. Amorim, A. Cheng, A. Gaikwad, P. Iapozzutto, P. Kumar, V. N. Litvinenko, I. Petrushina,
R. Samulyak, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, C. Joshi, C. Zhang, M. Babzien, M. Fedurin, R. Kupfer, K. Kusche, M. A. Palmer, I. V. Pogorelsky,
M. N. Polyanskiy, C. Swinson, and M. C. Downer,
Plasma electron acceleration driven by a long-wave-infrared laser,
Nat Commun 15, 4037 (2024).
Andrew Myers, Weiqun Zhang, Ann Almgren, Thierry Antoun, John Bell, Axel Huebl and Alexander Sinn,
AMReX and pyAMReX: Looking Beyond ECP,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications ,
August 2024,
P. Kumar, M. Hoffmann, A. Nonaka, S. Salahuddin, and Z. Yao
3D ferroelectric phase field simulations of polycrystalline multi-phase hafnia and zirconia based ultra-thin films,
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400085, 2024.
A.M. Lattanzi, W.D. Fullmer, A. Myers, J. Musser,
Towards polydisperse flows with MFIX-Exa,
ASME. J. Fluids Eng, 23 January 2024.
Lois Curfman McInnes, Michael Heroux, David E. Bernholdt, Anshu Dubey, Elsa Gonsiorowski,
Rinku Gupta, Osni Marques, J. David Moulton, Hai Ah Nam, Boyana Norris, Elaine M. Raybourn,
Jim Willenbring, Ann Almgren, Ross Bartlett, Kita Cranfill, Stephen Fickas, Don Frederick,
William Godoy, Patricia Grubel, Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Axel Huebl, Rose Lynch, Addi Maiviya Thakur,
Reed Milewicz, Mark C. Miller, Miranda Mundt, Erik Palmer, Suzanne Parete-Koon, Megan Phinney,
Katherine Riley, David M. Rogers, Ben Sims, Deborah Stevens, Gregory R. Watson,
A cast of thousands: How the IDEAS Productivity project has advanced software
productivity and sustainability, Computing in Science and Engineering, 2024.
I. Barrio Sanchez, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, M.T. Henry de Frahan, W. Zhang,
A New Re-redistribution Scheme for Weighted State Redistribution with Adaptive Mesh Refinement,
J. Comp. Phys., Volume 504, 1 May 2024.
J. L. Loffeld, A. J. Nonaka, D. R. Reynolds, D. J. Gardner, and C. S. Woodward,
Performance of explicit and IMEX MRI multirate methods on complex reactive flow problems within modern parallel adaptive structured grid frameworks,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 10943420241227914, 2024.
Marc T. Henry de Frahan, Lucas Esclapez, Jon Rood, Nicholas Wimer, Paul Mullowney, Bruce A. Perry,
Landon Owen, Hariswaran Sitaraman, Shashank Yellapantula, Malik Hassanaly, Mohammad J. Rahimi,
Michael Martin, Olga Doronina, Sreejith Nadakkal Appukuttan, Martin Rieth, Wenjun Ge,
Ramanan Sankaran, Ann Almgren, Weiqun Zhang, John B. Bell, Ray Grout, Marc S. Day,
Jacqueline H. Chen,
The Pele Simulation Suite for Reacting Flows at Exascale,
SIAM Proceedings Series on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2024.
Ashesh Sharma, Michael J. Brazell, Ganesh Vijayakumar, Shreyas Ananthan, Lawrence Cheung,
Nathaniel deVelder, Marc T. Henry de Frahan, Neil Matula, Paul Mullowney, Jon Rood,
Philp Sakievich, Ann Almgren, Paul S. Crozier, Michael A. Sprague,
ExaWind: Open-Source CFD for Hybrid-RANS/LES Geometry-Resolved Wind Turbine Simulations in Atmospheric Flows,
Wind Energy, 23 January 2024.
J. M. Monti, I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, J. B. Lechman, G. S. Grest,
Fractal Dimensions of Jammed Packings with Power-Law Particle Size Distributions in Two and Three Dimensions,
Phys. Rev. E, 108, L042902, 2023.
L. Esclapez, M. Day, J. Bell, A. Felden, C. Gilet, R. Grout, M. Henry de Frahan, E. Motheau, A. Nonaka, L. Owen, B. Perry, J. Rood, N. Wimer, and W. Zhang,
PeleLMeX: an AMR Low Mach Number Reactive Flow Simulation Code without level sub-cycling,
Journal of Open Source Software, 8, 2023.
A. J. Peterson, D. Willcox, and P. Moesta,
Code generation for AMReX with applications to numerical relativity,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 8, 245013, 2023.
J. Galen Wang, Daniel R. Ladiges, Ishan Srivastava, Sean P. Carney, Andy J. Nonaka, Alejandro L. Garcia, John B. Bell,
Steric effects in induced-charge electro-osmosis for strong electric fields,
Physical Review Fluids, 8, 083702, 2023.
H. Klion, R. Jambunathan, M. E. Rowan, E. Yang, D. Willcox, J.-L. Vay, R. Lehe, A. Myers, A. Huebl, W. Zhang,
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection with Advanced Maxwell Solver Algorithms,
The Astrophysical Journal, 925, 1, 2023.
Bryn Barker, John Bell and Alejandro Garcia,
Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and the Rayleigh-Plateau Instability,
PNAS, 120(30), July 2023.
R. Jambunathan, Z. Yao, R. Lombardini, A. Rodriguez, and A. Nonaka,
Two-Fluid Physical Modeling of Superconducting Resonators in the ARTEMIS Framework,
Computer Physics Communications, 291, 2023.
Bruce J. Palmer, Ann S. Almgren, Connah G.M. Johnson, Andrew T Myers, and William R. Cannon,
BMX: Biological Modelling and interface eXchange,
Nature Scientific Reports, 13, July 2023.
Ann Almgren, Aaron Lattanzi, Riyaz Haque, Pankaj Jha, Branko Kosovic, Jeffrey Mirocha,
Bruce Perry, Eliot Quon, Michael Sanders, David Wiersema, Donald Willcox, Xingqiu Yuan, Weiqun Zhang,
ERF: Energy Research and Forecasting,
Journal of Open Source Software, 8(87), 5202, 2023.
Roberto Porcu, Jordan Musser, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, William D. Fullmer, Deepak Rangarajan,
MFIX-Exa: CFD-DEM simulations of thermodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flows,
Chemical Engineering Science, 273, 118614, 2023.
E. Mercado, H. T. Jung, C. Kim, A. L. Garcia, A. J. Nonaka, and J. B. Bell,
Surface Coverage Dynamics for Reversible Dissociative Adsorption on Finite Linear Lattices,
J. Chem. Phys., 159, 2023.
F. Baras, Alejandro L. Garcia, and M. Malek Mansour,
Validity of path thermodynamic description of reactive systems: Microscopic simulations,
Phys. Rev. E 107, 014106, 2023.
Yadong Zeng, Han Liu, Qiang Gao, Ann Almgren, Amneet Pal Singh Bhalla, Lian Shen,
A consistent adaptive level set framework for incompressible two-phase flows with high density ratios and high Reynolds numbers,
J. Comp. Phys., vol. 478, 2023.
P. Kumar, A. Nonaka, R. Jambunathan, G. Pahwa, S. Salahuddin, and Z. Yao,
FerroX: A GPU-accelerated, 3D Phase-Field Simulation Framework for Modeling Ferroelectric Devices,
Computer Physics Communications, 108757, 2023
I. Srivastava, D. R. Ladiges, A. Nonaka, A. L. Garcia, J. B. Bell,
A Staggered Scheme for the Compressible Fluctuating Hydrodynamics of Multispecies Fluid Mixtures,
Physical Review E, 107, 015305, 2023.
Z. Chang, L. Fang, V. Fedorov, S. Ghimire, C. Heide, N. Ishii, J. Itatani, C. Joshi, Y. Kobayashi, P. Kumar, A. Marra , S. Mirov, I. Petrushina, M. Polyanskiy, D. A. Reis, S. Tochitsky, S. Vasilyev, L. Wang, Y. Wu, and F. Zhou,
Intense infrared lasers for strong-field science,
Advances in Optics and Photonics 2022.
S. T. Sewell, P. Kumar, and K. Hara,
Effects of the wavelength of the plasma waves on cross-field electron transport in partially magnetized plasmas,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 3498-3506 2022.
K. Yu, P. Kumar, S. Yuan, A. Cheng, and R. Samulyak,
SPACE: 3D parallel solvers for Vlasov-Maxwell and Vlasov-Poisson equations for relativistic plasmas with atomic transformations,
Computer Physics Communications 277 (2022) 108396 2022.
A. Castillo, P. Kumar, C. Limbach, and K. Hara,
Mutually Guided Light and Particle Beam Propagation,
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 4810 2022.
D. R. Ladiges, J. G. Wang, I. Srivastava, S. P. Carney, A. Nonaka, A. L. Garcia, A. Donev and J. B. Bell,
Modeling Electrokinetic Flows with the Discrete Ion Stochastic Continuum Overdamped Solvent Algorithm,
Physical Review E, 106, 035104, 2022.
Solene Chabanier, J.D. Emberson, Zarija Lukic, Jesus Pulido, Salman Habib, Esteban Rangel,
Jean Sexton, Nicholas Frontiere, Michael Buehlmann,
Modeling the Lyman-alpha forest with Eulerian and SPH hydrodynamical methods,
MNRAS, 518, 3, January 2023.
Luca Fedeli, Axel Huebl, France Boillod-Cerneux, Thomas Clark, Kevin Gott, Conrad Hillairet,
Stephan Jaure, Adrien Leblanc, Rémi Lehe, Andrew Myers, Christelle Piechurski, Mitsuhisa Sato,
Neil Zaïm, Weiqun Zhang, Jean-Luc Vay, Henri Vincenti,
Pushing the frontier in the design of laser-based electron accelerators with groundbreaking
mesh-refined particle-in-cell simulations on exascale-class supercomputers,
SC '22: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
November 2022, Article No.: 3, Pages 1–12
J. M. Monti, J. T. Clemmer, I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, G. S. Grest, J. B. Lechman,
Large-Scale Frictionless Jamming with Power-Law Particle Size Distributions,
Physical Review E, 106, 034901, 2022.
S. Sawant, Z. Yao, R. Jambunathan, and A. Nonaka,
Characterization of Transmission Lines in Microelectronics Circuits using the ARTEMIS Solver,
IEEE J. on Multiscale and Multiphysics Comp. Tech., 8, 2022.
D. Fan, D. E. Willcox, C. DeGrendele, M. Zingale, and A. Nonaka,
Neural Networks for Nuclear Reactions in MAESTROeX,
The Astrophysical Journal, 940, 2, 2022.
M. Zingale, M. P. Katz, A. Nonaka, and M. Rasmussen,
An Improved Method for Coupling Hydrodynamics with Astrophysical Reaction Networks,
The Astrophysical Journal, 936, 6, 2022.
A. P. Santos, I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, J. B. Lechman and G. S. Grest,
Fluctuations and Power-Law Scaling of Dry, Frictionless Granular Rheology Near the Hard-Particle Limit,
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 084303, 2022.
Jon Rood, Marc Henry de Frahan, Marc Day, Hariswaran Sitaraman, Shashank Yellapantula,
Bruce Perry, Ray Grout, Ann Almgren, Weiqun Zhang, John B. Bell, Jacqueline Chen,
PeleC: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Solver for Compressible Reacting Flows,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2022.
Soumya Dutta, Terece Turton, David Rogers, Jordan M. Musser, James Ahrens, Ann S. Almgren,
In Situ Feature Analysis for Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Simulations,,
Journal of Computational Science, 2022.
Mu-Hua Chien, Olivier M. Pauluis, Ann S. Almgren,
Hurricane-like Vortices in Conditionally Unstable Moist Convection,
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2022.
A. Giuliani, A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, M.J. Berger, M.T. Henry de Frahan, D. Rangarajan,
Weighted State Redistribution Algorithms for Embedded Boundary Methods,
J. Comp. Phys., Vol 464, Sept. 2022.
John Bell, Andrew Nonaka, Alejandro L. Garcia, Gregory Eyink,
Thermal Fluctuations in the Dissipation Range of Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence,
J. Fluid Mech., 939, 2022.
Severin Diederichs, Carlo Benedetti, Axel Huebl, Remi Lehe, Andrew Myers,
Alexander Sinn, Jean-Luc Vay, Weiqun Zhang, Maxence Thevenet,
HiPACE++: a portable, 3D quasi-static Particle-in-Cell code,
Computer Physics Communications, 278, 108421, 2022.
Malte Buschmann, Joshua W foster, Anson Hook, Adam Peterson, Don E Willcox, Weiqun Zhang, Benjamn R Safdi,
Dark Matter from Axion Strings with Adaptive Mesh Refinement,
Nature Communications, 13, 1049, 2022.
Mahesh Natarajan, Ray Grout, Weiqun Zhang, Marcus Day,
A Moving Embedded Boundary Approach for the Compresible Navier-Stokes Equations
in a Block-Structured Adaptive Refinement Framework,
J. Comp. Phys., 465, 2022.
V. Gulizzi, A. S. Almgren, John B. Bell
"A coupled discontinuous Galerkin-Finite Volume framework for solving gas dynamics over embedded geometries",
J. Comp. Phys., 450, 2022.
J. Mueller, J. Park, R.Sahu, C. Varadharajan, B. Arora, B. Faybishenko, D. Agarwal,
Surrogate Optimization of Deep Neural Networks for Groundwater Predictions,
J. Global Optimization, 81, 2021.
Sherwood Richers, Donald Willcox, Nicole Ford,
Neutrino Fast Flavor Instability in Three Dimensions,
Physical Review D, 104, 103023, 2021.
Robin J Dolleman, Debadi Chakraborty, Daniel R Ladiges, Herre SJ van der Zant, John E Sader, and Peter G Steeneken,
Squeeze-film effect on atomically thin resonators in the high-pressure limit,
Nano Letters, 2021.
Andrew Myers, Ann Almgren, Diana Almorim, John Bell, Luca Fedeli, Lixin Ge, Kevin Gott, David Grote, Mark Hogan,
Axel Huebl, Revathi Jambunathan, Remi Lehe, Cho Ng, Michael Rowan, Olga Shapoval, Maxence Thevenet, Jean-Luc Vay,
Henri Vincenti, Eloise Yang, Neil Zaim, Weiqun Zhang, Yin Zhao, Edoardo Zoni,
Porting WarpX to GPU-accelerated platforms,
Parallel Computing, 2021.
I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, J. B. Lechman and G. S. Grest,
Flow and Arrest in Stressed Granular Materials,
Soft Matter, 2022.
I. Srivastava, S. A. Roberts, J. T. Clemmer, L. E. Silbert, J. B. Lechman, G. S. Grest,
Jamming of Bidisperse Frictional Spheres,
Physical Review Research, 3(3), L032042, 2021.
J. T. Clemmer, I. Srivastava, G. S. Grest, J. B. Lechman,
Shear is Not Always Simple: Rate-Dependent Effects of Loading Geometry on Granular Rheology,
Physical Review Letters, 127, 268003, 2021.
Jean Sexton, Zarija Lukic, Ann Almgren, Chris Daley, Brian Friesen, Andrew Myers, and Weiqun Zhang,
Nyx: A Massively Parallel AMR Code for Computational Cosmology,
Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63), 3068, 2021.
L. Fedeli, A. Sainte-Marie, N. Zaim, M. Thevenet, J. L. Vay, A. Myers, F. Quere, and H. Vincenti,
Probing strong-field QED with Doppler-boosted petawatt-class lasers,
accepted by Physical Review Letters, May 10, 2021,
D. R. Ladiges, S. P. Carney, A. Nonaka, K. Kymko, G. C. Moore, A. L. Garcia, S. R. Natesh, A. Donev and J. B. Bell,
A Discrete Ion Stochastic Continuum Overdamped Solvent Algorithm for Modeling Electrolytes,
Physical Review Fluids, 6(4), 044309, 2021.
J. G. Wang and R. N. Zia,
Vitrification is a spontaneous non-equilibrium transition driven by osmotic pressure,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 184002, 2021.
William D. Fullmer, Roberto Porcu, Jordan Musser, Ann S. Almgren, Ishan Srivastava,
The divergence of nearby trajectories in soft-sphere DEM
Particuology, 63, 1, 2022.
Weiqun Zhang, Andrew Myers, Kevin Gott, Ann Almgren and John Bell,
AMReX: Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Multiphysics Applications,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
35(6):508-526, 2021.
A. Harpole, N. M. Ford, K. Eiden, M. Zingale, D. E. Willcox, Y. Cavecchi, and M. P. Katz,
Dynamics of Laterally Propagating Flames in X-Ray Bursts. II. Realistic Burning and Rotation,
The Astrophysical Journal, 912 36, 2021.
Z. Yao, R. Jambunathan, Y. Zeng, and A. Nonaka,
A Massively Parallel Time-Domain Coupled Electrodynamics-Micromagnetics Solver,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 10943420211057906, 2021.
Sherwood Richers, Don E. Willcox, Nicole M. Ford, Andrew Myers,
Particle-in-cell Simulation of the Neutrino Fast Flavor Instability,
Physical Review D, 103, 083013, 2021.
J-L Vay, Ann Almgren, LD Amorim, John Bell, L Fedeli, L Ge, K Gott, DP Grote, M Hogan,
A Huebl, R Jambunathan, R Lehe, A Myers, C Ng, M Rowan, O Shapoval,
M Thevenet, H Vincenti, E Yang, N Zaim, W Zhang, Y Zhao and E Zoni
Modeling of a chain of three plasma accelerator stages with the
WarpX electromagnetic PIC code on GPUs,
Physics of Plasmas, 28(2), 2021.
I. Srivastava, L. E. Silbert, G. S. Grest, J. B. Lechman
Viscometric Flow of Dense Granular Materials under Controlled Pressure and Shear Stress,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 907(A18) 1, 2021.
Brandon Runnels, Vinamra Agrawal, Weiqun Zhang and Ann Almgren,
Massively parallel finite difference elasticity using a block-structured
adaptive mesh refinement with a geometric multigrid solver,
J. Comp. Phys., 427, 2021.
L. Esclapez, F. Collin-Bastiani, E. Riber and B. Cuenot,
"A statistical model to predict ignition probability",
Combustion and Flame, 2021.
R. Jambunathan and D. Levin,
"Kinetic, 3-D, PIC-DSMC Simulations of Ion Thruster Plumes and the Backflow Region"
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, June 2020.
R. Jambunathan and D. Levin,
"A self-consistent open boundary condition for fully-kinetic plasma thruster simulations",
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, March 2020.
Jordan Musser, Ann S Almgren, William D Fullmer, Oscar Antepara, John B Bell,
Johannes Blaschke,Kevin Gott, Andrew Myers, Roberto Porcu, Deepak Rangarajan,
Michele Rosso, Weiqun Zhang, and Madhava Syamlal,
MFIX:Exa: A Path Towards Exascale CFD-DEM Simulations,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
April 16, 2021.
E. Motheau and J. Wakefield,
On the numerical accuracy in finite-volume methods to accurately capture turbulence in compressible flows,
Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 2021.
Max P. Katz, Ann S. Almgren, Maria Barrios Sazo, Kiran Eiden, Kevin Gott,
Alice Harpole, Jean M. Sexton, Don E. Willcox, Weiqun Zhang, and
Michael Zingale,
Preparing nuclear astrophysics for exascale,
SC20: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance
Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, p. 1, 2020
Ann Almgren, Maria Barrios Sazo, John Bell, Alice Harpole, Max Katz,
Jean Sexton, Donald Willcox, Weiqun Zhang, and Michael Zingale,
CASTRO: A Massively Parallel Compressible Astrophysics Simulation Code,
Journal of Open Source Software, 5, 54, 2513, 2020
Luigi Delle Site, Matej Praprotnik, John B. Bell and Rupert Klein,
Particle-Continuum Coupling and its Scaling Regimes: Theory and Applications,
Advanced Theory and Simulations, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1900232, 2020.
Y. Zhao, R. Lehe, A. Myers, M. Thevenet, A. Huebl, C. B. Schroeder, and J.-L. Vay,
Modeling of emittance growth due to Coulomb collisions in plasma-based accelerators,
Physics of Plasmas, October, 2020.
J-L Vay, Ann Almgren, LD Amorim, John Bell, L Ge, K Gott, DP Grote, M Hogan,
A Huebl, R Jambunathan, R Lehe, A Myers, C Ng, J Park, M Rowan, O Shapoval,
M Thevenet, W Zhang, Y Zhao, and E Zoni
Toward the modeling of chains of plasma accelerator stages with WarpX,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1596, 1, 012059, 2020
A. Biswas, J. Ahrens, S. Dutta, A. Almgren, J. Musser, and T. Turton,
Feature Analysis, Tracking, and Data Reduction:
An Application to Multiphase Reactor Simulation MFiX-Exa for In-Situ Use Case,
Computing in Science & Engineering, doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2020.3016927, 2020.
Yellapantula, S., Henry de Frahan, M., King, R., Day, M., and Grout. R.,
Machine Learning of Combustion LES Models from Reacting Direct Numerical Simulation
in Data Analysis for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion pp. 273-292, Sprint, Cham
D. Dalakoti, A. Wehrfritz, B. Savard, M. Day, J. Bell, and E. Hawkes,
An a priori evaluation of a principal component and artificial neural network based combustion model in diesel engine conditions,
Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 1961-1969, 2021.
D. Dalakoti, B. Savard, E. R. Hawkes, A. Wehrfritz, H. Wang, M. Day, and J. Bell,
Direct numerical simulation of a spatially developing n-dodecane jet flame under Spray A thermochemical
conditions: Flame structure and stabilisation mechanism,
Combust. Flame, 217:57-76, 2020.
K. Klymko, S. P. Carney, A. Nonaka, A. L. Garcia, and J. B. Bell,
A Low Mach Number Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Model For Ionic Liquids,
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 9, 2020.
E. Motheau and J. Wakefield,
"Investigation of finite-volume methods to capture shocks and turbulence spectra in compressible flows",
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V. Gulizzi, I. Benedetti, A. Milazzo
"A high-resolution layer-wise discontinuous Galerkin formulation for multilayered composite plates",
Composite Structures, 242, June 2020.
Leen Alawieh, Jonathan Goodman, John B. Bell,
Iterative construction of Gaussian process surrogate models for Bayesian inference,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 207, July 2020.
Nicholas Z. Liu, Daniel R. Ladiges, Jason Nassios, and John E. Sader, Acoustic flows in a slightly rarefied gas,
Physical Review Fluids, 5(4), 043401, 2019.
F. Alexander, A. Almgren, J. Bell, A. Bhattacharjee, J. Chen, P. Colella, D. Daniel,
J. DeSlippe, L. Diachin, E. Draeger, A. Dubey, T. Dunning, T. Evans, I. Foster,
M. Francois, T. Germann, M. Gordon, S. Habib, M. Halappanavar, S. Hamilton, W. Hart,
Z. Huang, A. Hungerford, D. Kasen, P. Kent, T. Kolev, D. Kothe, A. Kronfeld, Y. Luo,
P. Mackenzie, D. McCallen, B. Messer, S. Mniszewski, C. Oehmen, A. Perazzo, D. Perez,
D. Richard, W. Rider, R. Rieben, K. Roche, A. Siegel, M. Sprague, C. Steefel, R. Stevens,
M. Syamlal, M. Taylor, J. Turner, J.-L. Vay, A. Voter, T. Windus and K. Yelick,
Exascale applications: skin in the game,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2020.
W. Langhans, J. Mueller and W.D. Collins,
Optimization of the Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux shallow cumulus and
boundary-layer parametrization using surrogate models
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES),
11, 2, Feb. 2019.
Deepak K. Dalakoti, Alex Krisman, Bruno Savard, Armin Wehrfritz, Haiou Wang, Marc S. Day, John B. Bell, and Evatt R Hawkes
Structure and propagation of two-dimensional, partially premixed, laminar flames in diesel engine conditions,
Proc. Combust. Inst 37 (2) 2018. [doi]
M. T. Henry de Frahan, S. Yellapantula, R. King, M. S. Day, R. W. Grout,
Deep learning for presumed probability density function models
Combustion and Flame 208, 2019.
D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day, A. Aspden and T. Lieuwen,
Analysis of chemical pathways for n-dodecane/air turbulent premixed flames,
Combustion and Flame 207, p. 36-50, 2019.
J. Mueller,
An algorithmic framework for the optimization of computationally expensive bi-fidelity black-box problems,
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research., 2019.
J. Mueller and M. Day,
Surrogate Optimization of Computationally Expensive Black-box Problems with Hidden Constraints
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(4) 633, 2019.
Yong Shi, Daniel. R. Ladiges, and John E. Sader,
Origin of spurious oscillations in lattice Boltzmann simulations of oscillatory noncontinuum gas flows,
Physical Review E, 100(5), 053317, 2019.
D. Fan, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, D. E. Willcox, A. Harpole, and M. Zingale,
MAESTROeX: A Massively Parallel Low Mach Number Astrophysical Solver
Journal of Open Source Software, 4, 44, 1757, 2019.
D. Fan, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, A. Harpole, and M. Zingale,
MAESTROeX: A Massively Parallel Low Mach Number Astrophysical Solver
Astrophysical Journal, 887, 2, 2019.
M. Zingale, M. P. Katz, J. B. Bell, M. L. Minion, A. J. Nonaka, W. Zhang,
Improved Coupling of Hydrodynamics and Nuclear Reactions via Spectral Deferred Corrections,
Astrophysical Journal, 886, 2, 2019
Muhammad Nufail Farooqi, Tan Nguyen, Weiqun Zhang, Ann Almgren, John Shalf, and Didem Unat,
Asynchronous AMR on Multi-GPUs,
ISC High Performance conference: REFAC'19, 2019.
Knut Sverdrup, Ann S. Almgren, and Nikolaos Nikiforakis,
An embedded boundary approach for efficient simulations of
viscoplastic fluids in three dimensions,
Physics of Fluids, 2019
W. Zhang, A. Almgren, V. Beckner, J. Bell, J. Blaschke, C Chan, M. Day, B. Friesen, K. Gott, D. Graves,
M. Katz, A. Myers T. Nguyen, A. Nonaka, M. Rosso, S. Williams and M. Zingale,
AMReX: a framework for block-structured adaptive mesh refinement,
Journal of Open Source Software, 4(37), 1370, 2019.
J. M. Epstein, K. Klymko, and K. K. Mandadapu,
Statistical mechanics of transport processes in active fluids. II. Equations of hydrodynamics for active Brownian particles,
J. Chem. Phys., 150, 164111, 2019.
L. Esclapez, V. Ricchiuti, J. B. Bell, and M. S. Day,
A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number flows subject to electric fields
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2019,
A. Harpole, D. Fan, M. P. Katz, A. J. Nonaka, D. E. Willcox, and M. Zingale,
Modelling low Mach number stellar hydrodynamics with MAESTROeX
proceedings of Astronum 2019, Paris, July 1-5, 2019.
M. Zingale, A. S. Almgren, M. Barrios Sazo, J. B. Bell, K. Eiden, A. Harpole, M. P. Katz, A. J. Nonaka, D. E. Willcox, and W. Zhang,
The Castro AMR Simulation Code: Current and Future Developments
proceedings of Astronum 2019, Paris, July 1-5, 2019.
D. R. Ladiges, A. J. Nonaka, J. B. Bell, and A. L. Garcia,
On the Suppression and Distortion of Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations by Transpiration,
Phys. Fluids, 149, 052002, 2019.
A. Donev, A. J. Nonaka, C. Kim, A. L. Garcia and J. B. Bell,
Fluctuating hydrodynamics of electrolytes at electroneutral scales,
Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4, 4, 2019.
M. Zingale, K. Eiden, Y. Cavecchi, A. Harpole, J. B. Bell, M. Chang, I. Hawke, M. P. Katz, C.M. Malone, A. J. Nonaka, D. E. Willcox, and W. Zhang,
Toward resolved simulations of burning fronts in thermonuclear X-ray bursts,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1225, p, 012005, 2019.
A. J. Aspden, M. S. Day and J. B. Bell,
Towards the Distributed Burning Regime in Turbulent Premixed Flames,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 871, pp. 1-21. 2019.
J. Bell, M. Day, J. Goodman, R. Grout and M. Morzfeld,
A Bayesian approach to calibrating hydrogen flame kinetics using many experiments and parameters,
Combustion and Flame, 205, pp. 305-315, 2019.
M. Emmett, E. Motheau, W. Zhang, M. Minion and J. B. Bell,
A Fourth-Order Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm for the Multicomponent, Reacting Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations,
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 23:4, 592-625, 2019.
A. Donev, A. L. Garcia, J.-P. Péraud, A. J. Nonaka and J. B. Bell,
Fluctuating hydrodynamics and Debye-Hückel-Onsager theory for electrolytes,
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 13, 2019.
M. N. Farooqi, T. Nguyen, W. Zhang, A. S. Almgren, J. Shalf, and D. Unat,
"Phase asynchronous AMR execution for productive andperformant astrophysical flows",
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis,
2018, p. 70
F. P. Hamon, M. S. Day, M. L. Minion,
"Concurrent Implicit Spectral Deferred Correction Scheme
for Low-Mach Number Combustion with Detailed Chemistry", Combustion and Flame 2018.
Knut Sverdrup, Nikolaos Nikiforakis, and Ann S. Almgren,
"Highly parallelisable simulations of time-dependent viscoplastic fluid flow
simulations with structured adaptive mesh refinement",
Physics of Fluids, 30:9, 2018. Named Editor's Pick.
C. Kim, A. Nonaka, J.B. Bell, A.L. Garcia, and A. Donev,
"Fluctuating hydrodynamics of reactive liquid mixtures,"
J. Chem. Phys. 149, 084113, 2018.
K.-S. Kim, M.H. Han, C. Kim, Z. Li, G.E. Karniadakis, and E.K. Lee,
"Nature of intrinsic uncertainties in equilibrium molecular dynamics estimation of shear viscosity for simple and complex fluids,"
J. Chem. Phys. 149, 044510, 2018.
J.-L. Vay, A. Almgren, J. Bell, L. Ge, D. P. Grote, M. Hogan, O. Kononenko, R. Lehe, A. Myers, C. Ng, J. Park, R. Ryne, O. Shapoval, M. Thevenet, W. Zhang
"Warp-X: a new exascale computing platform for beam-plasma simulations,"
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A:
Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
2018 [arxiv]
B Loring, A Myers, D Camp, EW Bethel,
Python-based in situ analysis and visualization
Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization - ISAV 18, ACM Press, 2018
E. Motheau, M. Duarte, A. Almgren, J. Bell,
"A Hybrid Adaptive Low-Mach-Number/Compressible Method: Euler Equations,"
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 372, Pages 1027-1047, 2018.
Alan Calder, Platon I. Karpov, Maria Barrios Sazo, Michael Zingale, and Weiqun Zhang
Toward simulating Black Widow binaries with CASTRO
Journal of Computational Science Education Volume 8, Issue 3,
pp. 25-29, 2018
M. Morzfeld, M. Day, R. Grout, G. S. H. Pau, S. Finsterle, J. Bell,
"Iterative importance sampling algorithms for parameter estimation problems,"
SIAM J. Scientific Computing 40 (2) B329-B352, 2018.
A. Donev, C.-Y. Yang, and C. Kim,
"Efficient reactive Brownian dynamics,"
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 034103, 2018.
K.H. Han, C. Kim, P. Talkner, G.E. Karniadakis, and E.K. Lee,
"Molecular hydrodynamics: Vortex formation and sound wave propagation,"
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 024506, 2018.
D. J. Gardner, J. E. Guerra, F. P. Hamon, D. R. Reynolds, P. A. Ullrich, C. S. Woodward,
"Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Models",
Geosci. Model Dev., 11(4), pp 1497-1515, 2018.
F. P. Hamon, B. T. Mallison, H. A. Tchelepi,
"Implicit Hybrid Upwinding for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Buoyancy and Capillarity",
Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. Eng., 331, pp 701-727, 2018.
A. Nonaka, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell,
"A conservative, thermodynamically consistent numerical approach for low Mach number combustion. I. Single-level integration,"
Combust. Theor. Model., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 156-184, 2018.
M. Zingale, A. S. Almgren, M. G. Barrios Sazo, V. E. Beckner, J. B. Bell, B. Friesen,
A. M. Jacobs, M. P. Katz, C. M. Malone, A. J. Nonaka, D. E. Willcox, and W. Zhang,
"Meeting the Challenges of Modeling Astrophysical
Thermonuclear Explosions: Castro, Maestro, and the
AMReX Astrophysics Suite", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1031, 2018.
B. Choi, K.H. Han, C. Kim, P. Talkner, A. Kidera, and E.K. Lee,
"Nature of self-diffusion in two-dimensional fluids,"
New J. Phys. 19, 123038, 2017.
E. Lovegrove, S.E. Woosley, and W. Zhang,
"Very Low-energy Supernovae: Light Curves and Spectra of Shock Breakout",
Astrophysical Journal, 845, 103, 2017.
B. Bastem, D. Unat, W. Zhang, A. Almgren, and J. Shalf,
"Overlapping Data Transfers with Computation on GPU with Tiles",
2017 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP), pp. 171-180
J-P. Péraud, A. Nonaka, J. B. Bell, A. Donev, and A. L. Garcia,
"Fluctuation-enhanced electric conductivity in electrolyte solutions",
P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, 41, 2017.
Muhammad Nufail Farooqi, Didem Unat, Tan Nguyen, Weiqun Zhang, Ann Almgren and John Shalf,
"Nonintrusive AMR Asynchrony for Communication Optimization,"
Euro-Par 2017
Emmanuel Motheau, Ann Almgren, John Bell,
"Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions Using Ghost Cells,"
AIAA J., Vol. 55, No. 10 : pp. 3399-3408, 2017 [doi]
C. Kim, A. Nonaka, J. B. Bell, A. L. Garcia, and A. Donev,
"Stochastic simulation of reaction-diffusion systems: A fluctuating-hydrodynamics approach,"
J. Chem. Phys. 146, 124110, 2017.
D. Dalakoti, E. Hawkes, M. Day and J. Bell,
"Direct numerical simulation of two-stage combustion and flame stabilization in diesel engine-relevant conditions"
26th ICDERS, Boston, USA, 2017.
E. Motheau, A. Almgren and J.B. Bell.
"Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions Using Ghost Cells",
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics, Denver, CO, USA, June 6 2017.
E. Motheau, M. Duarte, A. Almgren and J.B. Bell.
" A Hybrid Adaptive Low-Mach-Number/Compressible Method for the Euler Equations",
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Denver, CO, USA, June 5 2017.
J. Mueller and J. Woodbury,
"GOSAC: Global Optimization with Surrogate Approximation of Constraints",
Journal of Global Optimization. 69(1), pp 117-136, 2017.
J. Mueller,
"SOCEMO: Surrogate Optimization of Computationally Expensive Multi-Objective Problems",
INFORMS Journal on Computing. 29(4), pp 581-596, 2017.
R.W.Grout, H. Kolla, M.L. Minion and J.B. Bell,
"Achieving algorithmic resilience for temporal integration through spectral deferred corrections,"
Commun. in Appl. Math. and Comput. Sci, 12(1), pp 25-50, 2017.
D. Dasgupta, M. Day, W. Sun and T. Lieuwen,
"Effect of turbulence-chemistry interactions on chemical pathways for turbulent hydrogen-air premixed flames,"
Combust. Flame, 176, pp. 191-201, 2017.
D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day, T. Lieuwen
"Sensitivity of chemical pathways to reaction mechanisms for n-dodecane,"
10th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, April, 2017.
D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day and T. Lieuwen,
"Turbulence effects on the chemical pathways for premixed Methane/Air flames,"
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January, 2017.
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day and F. N. Egolfopoulos,
"Turbulence-Flame Interactions in Lean Premixed Dodecane Flames,"
Proc. Combust. Inst., 36(2), pp. 2005-2016, 2017.
Cy Chan, John Bachan, Joseph Kenny, Jeremiah Wilke, Vincent Beckner, Ann Almgren and John Bell
"Topology-Aware Performance Optimization and Modeling of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Codes for Exascale,"
COMHPC 2016 - SC16 Workshop on Communication Optimization in High Performance Computing,
Salt Lake City, UT, November 18, 2016.
T. Nguyen, D. Unat, W. Zhang, A. Almgren, N. Farooqi, J. Shalf,
"Perilla: Metadata-based optimizations of an asynchronous runtime for adaptive mesh refinement,"
SC '16 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
p. 81, 2016
H. Shan, S. Williams, Y. Zheng, W. Zhang, B. Wang, S. Ethier, Z. Zhao,
"Experiences of applying one-sided communication to nearest-neighbor communication,"
Proceedings of the First Workshop on PGAS Applications, pp
17-24, 2016
J. Peraud, A. Nonaka, A. Chaudhri, J. B. Bell, A. Donev, and A. L. Garcia,
"Low Mach Number Fluctuating Hydrodynamics for Electrolytes,"
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 074103, 2016.
Brian Friesen, Ann Almgren, Zarija Lukic, Gunther Weber, Dmitriy Morozov, Vincent Beckner, Marcus Day,
"In situ and in-transit analysis of cosmological simulations,"
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology, 3:4, 2016
Wahid Bhimji, Debbie Bard, Melissa Romanus, David Paul, Andrey Ovsyanikov,
Brian Friesen, Matt Bryson, Joaquin Correa, Glenn K. Lockwood, Vakho Tsulaia,
Suren Byna, Steve Farrell, Doga Gursoy, Chris Daley, Vincent Beckner, Brian van Straalen,
Nicholas J. Wright, Katie Antypas, Prabhat,
"Accelerating Science with the NERSC Burst Buffer Early User Program,"
CUG 2016
D. Unat, T. Nguyen, W. Zhang, M. N. Farooqi, B. Bastem, G. Michelogiannakis, A. Almgren, and J. Shalf,
"TiDA: High-Level Programming Abstractions for Data Locality Management,"
High Performance Computing: 31st International Conference, ISC
High Performance 2016, Springer, pp 116-135, 2016.
Weiqun Zhang, Ann Almgren, Marcus Day, Tan Nguyen, John Shalf, Didem Unat,
"BoxLib with Tiling: An AMR Software Framework,"
SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 38(5):S156-S172 , 2016
Max P. Katz, Michale Zingale, Alan C. Calder, F. Douglas Swesty,
Ann S. Almgren, Weiqun Zhang,
"White Dwarf Mergers on Adaptive Meshes. I. Methodology and Code Verification",
Astrophysical Journal, 819, 94, 2016.
W. Pazner, A. Nonaka, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, and M. L. Minion,
"A High-Order Spectral Deferred Correction Strategy for Low Mach Number Flow With Complex Chemistry,"
Combust. Theor. Model., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 521-547, 2016.
A. J. Aspden, M. S. Day and J. B. Bell,
"Three-Dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent
Lean Premixed Methane Combustion with Detailed Kinetics,"
Combustion and Flame, 166, pp. 266-283, 2016.
A.M. Jacobs, M. Zingale, A. Nonaka, A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell,
"Low Mach Number Modeling of Convection in Helium Shells on Sub-Chandrasekhar
White Dwarfs II: Bulk Properties of Simple Models,"
Astrophysical Journal, 827, 84, 2016.
W. Schmidt, J.F. Engels, J.C. Niemeyer, A.S. Almgren,
"Hot and Turbulent Gas in Clusters,"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(1), 701-719, 2016
D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day and T. Lieuwen,
"Investigation of chemical pathways for turbulent Hydrogen-Air premixed flames"
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2016.
J. Mueller,
"MISO: Mixed-Integer Surrogate Optimization Framework",
Optimization and Engineering, 17:1, 177-203, March 2016.
A. Donini, M.S. Day, R.J.M. Bastiaans, J.A. van Oijen and L.P.H. de Goey,
"An a Priori DNS Subgrid Analysis of the Presumed beta-PDF Model,"
J. Hydrogen Energy, 40(37), pp. 12811-12823, 2015.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, Stan Woosley, Ann Almgren and Daniel J. Whalen,
"Pair-Instability Supernovae of Non-Zero Metallicity Stars,"
Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, ASTRONUM-2014,
498, 2015.
A. Nonaka, Y. Sun, J. B. Bell, and A. Donev,
"Low Mach Number Fluctuating Hydrodynamics of Binary Liquid Mixtures,"
Comm. App. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 10, no. 2, 2015.
M. Zingale, A. Jacobs, A. Almgren, J. Bell, A. Nonaka, C. Malone, S. Woosley,
"Understanding Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae",
25rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK,
August 2-7, 2015.
A. K. Bhattacharjee, K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Garcia, J. B. Bell, and A. Donev,
"Fluctuating hydrodynamics of multispecies reactive mixtures,"
J. Chem. Phys., 142, 224107, 2015
A. Donev, A. Nonaka, A. K. Bhattacharjee, A. L. Garcia, and J. B. Bell,
"Low Mach Number Fluctuating Hydrodynamics of Multispecies Liquid Mixtures,"
Phys. Fluids, 27, 037103, 2015.
M. Day, S. Tachibana, J. Bell, M. Lijewski, V. Beckner and R. Cheng,
"A combined computational and experimental characterization of
lean premixed turbulent low swirl laboratory flames. II. Hydrogen flames.",
Combustion and Flame, 162(5), pp. 2148-2165, 2015.
Zarija Lukic, Casey Stark, Peter Nugent, Martin White, Avery Meiksin, Ann Almgren,
"The Lyman-alpha forest in optically-thin hydrodynamical simulations,"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
446, 3697-3724, 2015.
W. Schmidt, J. Schulz, L. Iapichino, A.S. Almgren,
" Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver
on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor merger scenario,"
Astronomy and Computing, 9, 49-64, March 2015
A. Amato, M. Day, R. K. Cheng, J. Bell, D. Dasgupta, T. Lieuwen,
"Topology and Burning Rates of Turbulent, Lean, H2-Air Flames",
Combustion and Flame 162, pp. 4553-4565, 2015
M. Zingale, C. M. Malone, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell,
"Comparisons of Two- and Three-Dimensional Convection in Type I X-ray Bursts,"
Astrophysical Journal, 807, 60, 2015.
M. Duarte, A.S. Almgren, and J.B. Bell,
"A Low Mach Number Model for Moist Atmospheric Flows,"
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72(4), pp. 1605-1620, 2015
M. Minion, R. Speck, M. Bolten, M. Emmett, and D. Ruprecht
"Interweaving PFASST and parallel multigrid",
SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 37(5), pp. S244-S263, 2015.
R. Speck, D. Ruprecht, M. Minion, and R. Krause,
"Inexact Spectral Deferred Corrections",
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII,
104, pp. 127--133, 2015.
J.C. Dolence, A. Burrows, and W. Zhang,
"Two-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Models with Multi-Dimensional Transport,"
Astrophysical Journal, 800, 10, 2015.
Didem Unat, Cy Chan, Weiqun Zhang, Samuel Williams, John Bachan,
John Bell, and John Shalf
"ExaSAT: An Exascale Co-Design Tool for Performance Modeling,"
International Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications (IJHPCA), February 2015, doi: 10.1177/1094342014568690
A. Amato, M. Day, R. K. Cheng, J. Bell, T. Lieuwen,
"Leading Edge Statistics of Turbulent, Lean, H2-Air Flames,"
Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, pp. 1313-1320, 2014.
M. Duarte, and M. Emmett
"High order schemes based on operator splitting and deferred corrections for stiff time dependent PDEs",, 2014.
R. Speck, D. Ruprecht, M. Emmett, M. Bolten, and R. Krause
"A space-time parallel solver for the three-dimensional heat equation",
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE),
25, pp. 263--272. IOS Press. 2014.
J. Mueller, R. Paudel, N. Mahowald, C. Shoemaker,
"CH4 Parameter Estimation in CLM4.5bgc Using Surrogate Global Optimization",
Geoscientific Model Development, 8:141-207, 2015
Antonio Valles and Weiqun Zhang, "Optimizing For Reacting
Navier-Stokes Equations" in "High Performance Parallelism
Pearls: Multicore And Many-Core Programming Approaches",
James Reinder and Jim Jeffers (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2014.
A.J. Aspden, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell,
"Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction in Lean Premixed Hydrogen Combustion,"
Proc. Combust. Inst. 35(2), pp. 1321-1329, 2014
Anuj Chaudhri, John Bell, Alejandro Garcia and Aleksandar Donev
"Modeling Multi-Phase Flow using Fluctuating Hydrodynamics",
Phys. Rev. E, 90(3), 033014, 2014.
M. Cai, A. Nonaka, B. E. Griffith, J. B. Bell, and A. Donev,
"Efficient Variable-Coefficient Finite-Volume Stokes Solvers,"
Commun. Comput. Phys., 16, 1263-1297, 2014.
Ann Almgren, John Bell, Andy Nonaka and Michael Zingale,
"Low Mach Number Modeling of Stratified Flows,"
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII -- Methods and Theoretical
Aspects, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,
eds. J. Fuhrmann, M. Ohlberger, C. Rohde, Berlin, June 2014.
A. Dubey, A. Almgren, J. Bell, M. Berzins, S. Brandt, G. Bryan, P. Colella,
D. Graves, M. Lijewski, F. Loffler, B. O'Shea, E. Schnetter, B. Van Straalen, K. Weide
"A Survey of High Level Frameworks in Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Packages",
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74, pp. 3217-3227, 2014
H. Braun, W. Schmidt, J.C. Niemeyer, A.S. Almgren,
"Large-eddy simulations of isolated disk galaxies with thermal and turbulent feedback,"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442, pp. 3407-3426, 2014.
A. Donev, A. Nonaka, Y. Sun, T. Fai, A. Garcia and J. Bell,
"Low Mach Number Fluctuating Hydrodynamics of Diffusively Mixing Fluids"
Comm. App. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 9, no. 1, 2014.
C. M. Malone, M. Zingale, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell,
"Multidimensional Modeling of Type I X-ray Bursts. II. Two-Dimensional
Convection in a Mixed H/He Accretor",
Astrophysical Journal, 788, 115, 2014.
W. Schmidt, A.S. Almgren, H. Braun, J.F. Engels, J.C. Niemeyer,
R.R. Mekuria, A.J. Aspden, J.B. Bell,
"Cosmological Fluid Mechanics with Adaptively Refined Large Eddy Simulations,"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440, pp. 3051-3077, 2014.
K. Balakrishnan, A. Garcia, A. Donev, and J. Bell,
"Fluctuating hydrodynamics of multispecies nonreactive mixtures"
Physical Review E, vol. 89, No. 1, January 2014.
C. M. Malone, A. Nonaka, S. E. Woosley, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, S. Dong,
and M. Zingale,
"The Deflagration Stage of Chandrasekhar Mass Models for Type Ia Supernovae:
I. Early Evolution",
Astrophysical Journal, 782, 11, 2014.
Samuel Williams, Mike Lijewski, Ann Almgren, Brian Van Straalen, Erin Carson, Nicholas Knight,
and James Demmel,
"s-Step Krylov Subspace Methods as Bottom Solvers for Geometric Multigrid",
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium,
May 2014.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, Stan Woosley, Ann Almgren, and Daniel Whalen,
"Pair Instability Supernovae of Very Massive Population III Stars"
Astrophysical Journal, 792, 44, 2014.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, S.E. Woosley, Ann S. Almgren, and Daniel J. Whalen,
"Two-Dimensional Simulations of Pulsational Pair-Instability Supernova",
Astrophysical Journal, 792, 28, 2014.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, S.E. Woosley, Ann Almgren, and Daniel J. Whalen, and Jarrett L. Johnson,
"The General Relativistic Instability Supernova of a Supermassive Population III Star",
Astrophysical Journal, 790, 162, 2014.
M. Duarte, A.S. Almgren, K. Balakrishnan, J.B. Bell, D.M. Romps,
"A Numerical Study of Methods for Moist Atmospheric Flows: Compressible Equations,"
Monthly Weather Review, 142, pp. 4269--4283, 2014
M. Emmett, W. Zhang, J.B. Bell,
"High-Order Algorithms for Compressible Reacting Flow with Complex Chemistry",
Combustion Theory and Modelling, pp. 361-387, May 2014
R. Speck, D. Ruprecht, M. Emmett, M. Minion, M. Bolten, and R. Krause
"A multi-level spectral deferred correction method",
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2014
S. Descombes, M. Duarte, T. Dumont, F. Laurent, V. Louvet, and M. Massot,
"Analysis of operator splitting in the non-asymptotic regime for nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations.
Application to the dynamics of premixed flames",
SIAM J. Num. Anal., 52, 1311-1334, 2014.
M. Emmett and M. Minion
"Efficient implementation of a multi-level parallel in time algorithm",
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, DD21, ,
98, 359-366, 2014.
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day and M. J. Lijewski,
"Simulation of Nitrogen Emissions in a Premixed Hydrogen Flame
Stabilized on a Low Swirl Burner",
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(1), pp. 1173-1182, 2013.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, and Ann S. Almgren,
"Numerical Approaches for Multidimensional Simulations of Stellar Explosions",
Astronomy and Computing, 3-4, pp. 70-78, Nov.-Dec. 2013.
Didem Unat, Cy Chan, Weiqun Zhang, John Bell, and John Shalf,
Tiling as a Durable Abstraction for Parallelism and Data Locality,
WOLFHPC 2013 - SC13 Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks for
High-Performance Computing, 2013.
Cy Chan, Joseph Kenny, Gilbert Hendry, Didem Unat, Vincent Beckner, John Bell and John Shalf,
An AMR Computation and Communication Dependency and Analysis Methodology,
IA^3 2013 - SC13 Workshop on Irregular Applications:
Architectures and Algorithms, 2013.
K. Chen, A. Heger, S. Woosley, A. Almgren, and W. Zhang,
"The Most Powerful Stellar Explosion", Bulletin of the
American Physical Society, 2013, vol. 58, no. 4.
Cy Chan, Didem Unat, Michael Lijewski, Weiqun Zhang, John Bell, and
John Shalf,
"Software Design Space Exploration for Exascale Combustion
Co-design", International Supercomputing Conference 2013,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7905, 2013, pp 196-212.
C. Gilet, A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, A. Nonaka, S.E. Woosley and M. Zingale,
"Low-Mach Number Modeling of Core Convection in Massive Stars",
Astrophysical Journal, 773, 137, 2013.
Haitao Ma, Stan Woosley, Chris Malone, Ann Almgren, and J.B. Bell,
"Carbon Deflagration in Type Ia Supernovae: I. Centrally Ignited Models",
Astrophysical Journal, 771, 58, 2013.
M. Zingale, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, C. Malone, and R. Orvedahl,
"Low Mach Number Modeling of Convection in Helium Shells on Sub-Chandrasekhar
White Dwarfs. I. Methodology", Astrophysical Journal, 764, 97, 2013.
Weiqun Zhang, L. Howell, A. Almgren, A. Burrows, J. Dolence, J. Bell,
"CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver. III.
Multigroup Radiation Hydrodynamics",
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 204, 7, 2013.
A.S. Almgren, A.J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, and M. L. Minion,
"On the Use of Higher-Order Projection Methods for Incompressible Turbulent Flow",
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 35, 1, B25-B42, 2013.
A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, M.J. Lijewski, Z. Lukic, E. Van Andel,
"Nyx: A Massively Parallel AMR Code for Computational Cosmology"
Astrophysical Journal, 765, 39, 2013.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger and Ann Almgren,
"Conservative Initial Mapping for Multidimensional Simulations of Stellar Explosions",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 402, Conf. 1, 2012.
R. Speck, D. Ruprecht, R. Krause, M. Emmett, M. Minion, M. Winkel, and P. Gibbon,
"A massively space-time parallel N-body solver",
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, SC'12, 92:1-11, 2012.
R. Speck, D. Ruprecht, R. Krause, M. Emmett, M. Minion, M. Winkel, and P. Gibbon,
"Integrating an N-body problem with SDC and PFASST",
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, DD21, 2012.
F. Balboa Usabiaga, J. Bell, R. Delgado-Buscalioni, A. Donev, T. Fai, B. Griffith, C. Peskin,
"Staggered Schemes for Fluctuating Hydodynamics",
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 10, 4, 1360-1408, 2012.
K. Balakrishnan, J.B. Bell, A. Donev, and A. Garcia,
"Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo",
28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics , AIP Conf. Proc. 1501 , 695-704, 2012.
A. Nonaka, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, C. Gilet, A. S. Almgren, and M. L. Minion,
"A Deferred Correction Coupling Strategy for Low Mach Number Flow with Complex Chemistry",
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 16(6), pp. 1053-1088, 2012.
R. Sisneros, C. Malone, A. Nonaka, and S. Woosley,
"Investigation of Turbulence in the Early Stages of a High Resolution Supernova Simulation",
Proceedings of the Supercomputing 2012 Conference.
R. Tiron, A.S. Almgren, R. Camassa,
"Shear instability of internal solitary waves in Euler fluids with thin pycnoclines",
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710, pp. 324-361, 2012.
S. Williams, D. Kalamkar, A. Singh, A. Deshpande, B. Van Straalen, M. Smelyanskiy, A. Almgren,
P. Dubey, J. Shalf, L. Oliker,
"Optimization of Geometric Multigrid for Emerging Multi- and Manycore Processors",
Proceedings of the Supercomputing 2012 Conference, 2012.
Samuel Williams, Dhiraj D. Kalamkar, Amik Singh, Anand M. Deshpande,
Brian Van Straalen, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Ann Almgren, Pradeep Dubey,
John Shalf, Leonid Oliker,
"Implementation and Optimization of miniGMG -
a Compact Geometric Multigrid Benchmark", LBNL 6676E, December 2012.
A. Nonaka, A. J. Aspden, M. Zingale, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, and S. E. Woosley,
"High-Resolution Simulations of Convection Preceding Ignition in Type Ia
Supernovae Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement",
Astrophysical Journal, 745, 73, 2012.
J. Nordhaus, T.D. Brandt, A. Burrows, A. Almgren,
"The Hydrodynamic Origin of Neutron Star Kicks",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423,
Issue 2, June 2012.
K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell and V. E. Beckner,
"An Empirical Model for the Ignition of Explosively Dispersed Aluminum Particle Clouds",
Shock Waves, 22, 591, 2012.
G. S. H. Pau, J. B. Bell, A. S. Almgren, K. M. Fagnan and M. J. Lijewski,
"An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm for Compressible Two-Phase Flow In Porous Media",
Computational Geosciences, 16, 577-592, 2012.
M. Day, S. Tachibana, J. Bell, M. Lijewski, V. Beckner and R. Cheng,
"A combined computational and experimental characterization of
lean premixed turbulent low swirl laboratory flames. I. Methane flames.",
Combustion and Flame, 159(1), 275-290, 2012.
K.M. Fagnan, M.J. Lijewski, G.Pau, N.J. Wright,
"Acceleration of porous media simulations on the Cray XE6 platform",
Proceedings of CUG2011, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2011.
Emmanouela Rantsiou, Adam Burrows, Jason Nordhaus, Ann Almgren,
"Induced Rotation in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae:
Implications for Pulsar Spins,"
Astrophysical Journal, 732, 57, 2011.
Adam Burrows, Jason Nordhaus, Ann Almgren, John Bell,
"The potential role of spatial dimension in the neutrino-driving mechanism of core-collapse supernova explosions,",
Comp. Phys. Comm., 182, Issue 9, pp. 1764-1766, 2011.
A. Garcia, A. Donev, J.B. Bell, and B. Alder,
"Hydrodynamic fluctuations in a particle-continuum hybrid for complex fluids",
27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics , AIP Conf. Proc. 1333 , 551-556, 2011.
K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell and V. E. Beckner,
"An Empirical Model for the Ignition of Aluminum Particle Clouds Behind Blast Waves",
23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, CA,
July 24-29, 2011.
K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell and V. E. Beckner,
"Ignition of Aluminum Particle Clouds Behind Reflected Shock Waves",
23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, CA,
July 24-29, 2011.
A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell, V. E. Beckner and K. Balakrishnan,
"Spherical Combustion Clouds in Explosions",
23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, CA,
July 24-29, 2011.
A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, H. Ma, S. E. Woosley, and M. Zingale,
"From Convection to Explosion: End-to-End Simulation of Type Ia Supernovae,"
Proceedings of SciDAC 2011, Denver, Colorado, July 2011.
K. Balakrishnan, J. B. Bell, A. L. Kuhl and W. M. Howard,
"Riemann Solver for the Nigmatulin Model of Two-Phase Flow",
17th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock
Compression of Condensed Matter, Chicago, IL, June 26-July 1, 2011.
W. Zhang, L. Howell, A. Almgren, A. Burrows, and J. Bell
"CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver. II. Gray Radiation Hydrodynamics",
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 196, 20, 2011
A. Donev, A. de la Fuente, J. B. Bell, and A. L. Garcia,
"Enhancement of Diffusive Transport by Nonequilibrium Thermal Fluctuations",
JSTAT, Vol. 2011, P06014, (2011).
A. Donev, A. de la Fuente, J. B. Bell, and A. L. Garcia,
"Diffusive Transport by Thermal Velocity Fluctuations",
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 106, No. 20, page 204501, 2011.
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, S. Dong, and S. E. Woosley,
"Burning Thermals in Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophysical Journal, 738, pp. 94-107, 2011.
M. Zingale, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, C. M. Malone, and S. E. Woosley,
"The Convective Phase Preceding Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophysical Journal, 740, 8, (2011).
A. Nonaka, S. May, A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell,
"A Three-Dimensional, Unsplit Godunov Method for Scalar Conservation Laws",
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 33, no. 4, 2011.
S. May, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell,
"An Unsplit, Higher-Order Godunov Method
Using Quadratic Reconstruction for Advection in Two Dimensions",
Comm. App. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 6, no. 1, 2011.
R.J.M. Bastiaans and M. Day,
"Analysis of subgrid scale phenomena of premixed turbulent combustion of methane and hydrogen in comparable regimes",,
Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2012.
A. Donini, R.J.M. Bastiaans, J.A. van Oijen, M.S. Day and L.P.H. de Goey,
"A Priori Assessment of the Potential of Flamelet Generated Manifolds to Model Lean Turbulent Premixed Hydrogen Combustion,"
In: Kuerten H., Geurts B., Armenio V., Froehlich J. (eds) Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII. ERCOFTAC Series, vol 15, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011
A. J. Aspden, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell, "Turbulence-flame interactions in lean
premixed hydrogen: transition to the distributed burning regime",
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 680, pp. 287-320, 2011.
J. Bell and M. Day, "Adaptive Methods for Simulation of Turbulent Combustion" in "Turbulent Combustion Modeling, Advances, New Trends and Perspectives Series: Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications", Echekki and Epaminondas (Eds.), Springer, Vol. 95, 2011.
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, and S. E. Woosley,
"Turbulent Oxygen Flames in Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophysical Journal, 730, 144-151, (2011).
S. E. Woosley, A. R. Kerstein, and A. J. Aspden,
"Flames in Type Ia Supernova: Deflagration-Detonation Transition in the Oxygen Burning Flame",
Astrophysical Journal, 734, 37-41, (2011).
C. M. Malone, A. Nonaka, A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, and M. Zingale
"Multidimensional Modeling of Type I X-ray Bursts. I. Two-Dimensional
Convection Prior to the Outburst of a pure 4He Accretor",
Astrophysical Journal, 728, 118, Feb. 2011.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, and Ann Almgren,
"Multidimensional Simulations of Pair-Instability Supernovae",
Computer Physics Communications, 182:1, 254-256, January 2011.
M. S. Day, J. B. Bell, X. Gao and P. Glarborg,
"Numerical Simulation of Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames",
Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, pp. 1591-1599, 2011.
M. S. Day, X. Gao, and J. B. Bell, "Properties of Lean Turbulent Methane-Air
Flames with Significant Hydrogen Addition", Proc. Combust. Inst.
33, pp. 1601-1608, 2011. [doi]
A. J. Aspden, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell, "Characterization of Low Lewis Number
Flames", Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, pp. 1463-1471, 2011.
A. J. Aspden, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell, "Lewis Number Effects in Distributed
Flames", Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, pp. 1473-1480, 2011.
G.H. Weber, P.-T. Bremer, M.S. Day, J.B. Bell and V. Pascucci,
"Feature Tracking Using Reeb graphs",
Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization:
Theory, Algorithms, and Applications,
edited by V. Pascucci, X. Tricoche, H. Hagen, and J. Tierny,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 241-253, LBNL 4226E, 2011.
P.-T. Bremer, G.H. Weber, J. Tierny, V. Pascucci, M.S. Day and J.B. Bell,
"Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large Scale Turbulent Combustion
Using Topology-based Data Segmentation",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,,
17(9), pp. 1307-1324, LBNL 5921E, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2010.253, 2011.
A. Almgren, J. Bell, D. Kasen, M. Lijewski, A. Nonaka, P. Nugent, C. Rendleman, R. Thomas, and M. Zingale,
"MAESTRO, CASTRO and SEDONA -- Petascale Codes for Astrophysical Applications,"
Proceedings of SciDAC 2010,
Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 2010. [arxiv]
H. Ma, M. Zingale, S. E. Woosley, A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, A. S. Almgren, A. Nonaka, and S. Dong,
"Type Ia Supernovae: Advances in Large Scale Simulation,"
Proceedings of SciDAC 2010,
Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 2010.
J. Bell, M. S. Day, X. Gao, M. J. Lijewski,
"Simulation of Nitrogen Emissions in a Low Swirl Burner,"
Proceedings of SciDAC 2010,
Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 2010. [pdf]
J. Nordhaus, A. Burrows, A. Almgren, and J. Bell,
"Dimension as a Key to the Neutrino Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
Astrophysical Journal, 720, 694, Sept. 2010.
C. C. Joggerst, A. Almgren, and S. E. Woosley,
"Three-dimensional simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing in
core collapse supernovae with CASTRO",
Astrophysical Journal, 723, 353, October 2010.
A. Nonaka, A.S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, M. J. Lijewski, C. M. Malone, and M. Zingale,
"MAESTRO: An Adaptive Low Mach Number Hydrodynamics Algorithm
for Stellar Flows",
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,
188, 358-383, June 2010. [pdf]
A. S. Almgren, V.E. Beckner, J.B. Bell, M.S. Day, L.H. Howell, C.C. Joggerst, M.J.
Lijewski, A. Nonaka, M. Singer, M. Zingale,
"CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver. I. Hydrodynamics and Self-Gravity",
Astrophysical Journal, 715, 1221-1238, June 2010.
Ke-Jung Chen, Alexander Heger, and Ann Almgren,
"Two Dimensional Simulations of Pair-Instability Supernovae",
Conference on The First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges for the Next Decade,
Austin, Texas, March 8-11, 2010, Conference Proceedings, published
by the American Institute of Physics.
G. S. H. Pau, J. B. Bell, K. Pruess, A. S. Almgren, M. J. Lijewski, K. Zhang, "High
resolution simulation and characterization of density-driven flow in
CO2 storage in saline aquifers", Advances
in Water Resources, 33(4):443-455, 2010.
A. Donev, J. B. Bell, A. L. Garcia, and B. J. Alder, "A
hybrid particle-continuum method for hydrodynamics of complex fluids",
SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
8(3):871-911, 2010. [pdf]
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, and S. E. Woosley,
"Distributed Flames in Type Ia Supernovae", Astrophysical Journal,
710, 1654-1663, February 2010.
C. C.
Joggerst, A. Almgren, J. Bell, Alexander Heger, Daniel Whalen, and S.
E. Woosley, "Primordial Core-Collapse Supernovae and the Chemical
Abundances of Metal-Poor Stars," Astrophysical Journal, 709,
11-26, January 2010. [arxiv]
A. Donev, E.
Vanden-Eijnden, A. Garcia, and J. Bell, "On the Accuracy of
Explicit Finite-Volume Schemes for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics," Communications in Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science, 5(2):149-197,
2010. [pdf]
N. Vasudeo, T.
Echekki, M. Day, and J. Bell, "The regime diagram for premixed
flame kernel-vortex interactions - revisited", Phys. Fluids (22)
043602, 2010.
J. B. Bell, A.
L. Garcia, S. A. Williams, "Computational fluctuating fluid
dynamics", ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and
Numerical Analysis, 44, 1085-1105, 2010.
P.-T. Bremer, G.H. Weber, V. Pascucci, M.S. Day and John B. Bell,
"Analyzing and Tracking Burning Structures in Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames",,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,,
16:248-260, LBNL 2276E, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2009.69, 2010.
L. Oliker, J. Carter, V. Beckner, J. Bell, H. Wasserman, M. Adams,
S. Ethier, E. Schnetter,
"Large-Scale Numerical Simulations on High-End Computational Platforms",
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science,
edited by D. H. Bailey, R. F. Lucas, S. W. Williams, CRC Press, 2010.
A. Donev, A. L.
Garcia, and B. J. Alder, " A
Thermodynamically-Consistent Non-Ideal Stochastic Hard Sphere Fluid,"
J. Stat. Mech., P11008, 2009 [arXiv:0908.0510]. [pdf]
S. E. Woosley,
A. R. Kerstein, V. Sankaran, A. J. Aspden and F. Ropke "Type Ia
Supernovae: Calculations of Turbulent Flames Using the Linear Eddy
Model", Astrophysical Journal, 704, pp.255-273,
October 10, 2009.
P.-T. Bremer,
G. Weber, J. Tierny, V. Pascucci, M. Day and J. Bell, "A
Topological Framework for the Interactive Exploration of Large Scale
Turbulent Combustion", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE
International Conference on e-Science p. 247-254 (2009)
M. Zingale, A.
S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, A. Nonaka, and S. E. Woosley, "Low Mach
Number Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae. IV. White Dwarf Convection",
Astrophysical Journal, 704, 196-210, 2009. [pdf]
M. M. Scase,
A. J. Aspden, and C. P. Caulfield, "The effect of sudden source
buoyancy flux increases on turbulent plumes", Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 635 pp. 137-169, Sept 2009. [JFM+cover]
George S. H.
Pau, John B. Bell, Karsten Pruess, Ann S. Almgren, Michael J. Lijewski,
Keni Zhang, "Numerical studies of density-driven flow in CO2
storage in saline aquifers", Proceedings of TOUGH Symposium,
September 14-16 2009, Berkeley, California, USA. [pdf]
George S. H.
Pau, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Michael J. Lijewski, Eric
Sonnenthal, Nic Spycher, Tianfu Xu, Guoxiang Zhang, "A Parallel
Second-Order Adaptive Mesh Algorithm for Reactive Flow in Geochemical
Systems", Proceedings of TOUGH Symposium, September 14-16 2009,
Berkeley, California, USA. [pdf]
M.S.Day, J.B.
Bell, R.K. Cheng, S. Tachibana, V.E. Beckner and M.J. Lijewski, "Cellular
burning in lean premixed turbulent hydrogen-air flames:
coupling experimental and computational analysis at the laboratory
scale", SciDAC 2009, J. of Physics: Conference Series,
San Diego, California, July 2009. [pdf]
E. W. Bethel,
C. Johnson, S. Ahern, J. Bell, P.-T. Bremer, H. Childs, E.
Cormier-Michel, M. Day, E. Deines, T. Fogal, C. Garth, C. G. R. Geddes,
H. Hagen, B. Hamann, C. Hansen, J. Jacobsen, K. Joy, J. Kruger, J.
Meredith, P. Messmer, G. Ostrouchov, V. Pascucci, K. Potter, Prabhat,
D. Pugmire, O. Rubel, A. Sanderson, C. Silva, D. Ushizima, G. Weber, B.
Whitlock, K. Wu "Occam's razor and petascale visual data analysis",
SciDAC 2009, J. of Physics: Conference Series, San
Diego, California, July 2009. [pdf]
G. S. H. Pau,
A. S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, and M. J. Lijewski, "A Parallel
Second-Order Adaptive Mesh Algorithm for Incompressible Flow in Porous
Media", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 367, 4633-4654, 2009. LBNL
Report LBNL-176E. [pdf]
S.E. Woosley,
A.S. Almgren, A.J. Aspden, J.B. Bell, D. Kasen, A.R. Kerstein, H. Ma,
A. Nonaka and M. Zingale, "Type Ia Supernovae: Advances in Large
Scale Simulation ", SciDAC 2009, J. of Physics:
Conference Series, 180, July 2009. A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, A. Nonaka, M. Zingale, "A New Low Mach Number Approach
in Astrophysics", Computing in Science and Engineering,
vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 24-33, March/April 2009.
Y. Maday, N.
C. Nguyen, A. T. Patera, and G. S. H. Pau, "A General Multipurpose
Interpolation Procedure: The Magic Points", Communications on
Pure and Applied Analysis 8(1), 383--404, 2009.
D.E.A. van
Odyck, J.B. Bell, F. Monmont, N. Nikiforakis, "The mathematical
structure of multiphase thermal models of flow in porous media",
Proc. Royal Soc. A, 465:523,549, 2009. [pdf]
M. Day, J.
Bell, P.-T. Bremer, V. Pascucci, V. Beckner, M. Lijewski, "Turbulence
effects on cellular burning structures in lean premixed hydrogen flames",
Combustion and Flame, 156, 1035-1045, 2009.
DOI 10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.10.029
S. E. Woosley,
D. Kasen, H. Ma, G. Glatzmaier, A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, A.
R. Kerstein, V. Sankaran, F. Ropke, "Type Ia Supernovae",
Proceedings of Science, 10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, July 27
- August 1 2008, Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA. [pdf]
M. Zingale, A.
S. Almgren, J. B. Bell, C. M. Malone and A. Nonaka, "Astrophysical
Applications of the MAESTRO Code", SciDAC 2008, J. of
Physics: Conference Series, 125, Seattle Washington, July 2008.
J. B. Bell, R.
K. Cheng, M. S. Day, V. E. Beckner and M. J. Lijewski, "Interaction
of turbulence and chemistry in a low-swirl burner", SciDAC 2008,
J. of Physics: Conference Series, 125, 012027, Seattle
Washington, July 2008. [pdf]
S. E. Woosley,
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, A. R. Kerstein, and V. Sankaran, "Numerical
simulation of low Mach number reacting flows", SciDAC 2008,
J. of Physics: Conference Series, 125, Seattle Washington, July
2008. [pdf]
A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, A. Nonaka, and M. Zingale, "Low Mach Number Modeling of
Type Ia Supernovae. III. Reactions", Astrophysical Journal,
684, 449-470, 2008. LBNL Report LBNL-58673 Pt. III. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar,
"A New Type of Steady and Stable, Laminar, Premixed Flame in Ultra-Lean,
Hydrogen-Air Combustion", LBNL Report LBNL-725E,
Proc. Combust. Inst., 32, 2008.
J. F. Grcar, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day,
"The Soret Effect in Naturally Propagating,
Premixed, Lean, Hydrogen-Air Flames", LBNL Report LBNL-669E,
Proc. Combust. Inst., 32, pp. 1173-1180, 2008.
A. J. Aspden, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, S. E. Woosley, M. Zingale,
"Turbulence-Flame Interactions in Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophysical Journal, 689, pp.1173-1185, December 20, 2008.
S. A. Williams, J. B. Bell, and A. L. Garcia,
"Algorithm refinement for fluctuating hydrodynamics", Multiscale Model. Simul. 6,
1256-1280, 2008. [pdf]
A. J. Aspden,
N. Nikiforakis, S. B. Dalziel, and J.B.Bell, "Analysis of Implicit
LES Methods",
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science,
3, pp.103-126, 2008.
G. S. H. Pau, "Reduced Basis Method for Nanodevices Simulation", Phys. Rev. B
78, 155425 (2008). LBNL Report LBNL-314E. [pdf]
G.H. Weber, V. Beckner, H. Childs, T. Ligocki, M. Miller, B. van Straalen, E.W. Bethel,
"Visualization of Scalar Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data",
Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2007,
385:309-320, LBNL 220E, April 2008.
A.S. Almgren,
J.B. Bell, and M. Zingale, "MAESTRO: A Low Mach Number Stellar
Hydrodynamics Code ", SciDAC 2007, J. of Physics:
Conference Series, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2007.
J. Bell, A.
Aspden, M. Day, M. Lijewski, "Numerical simulation of low Mach
number reacting flows", SciDAC 2007, J. of Physics:
Conference Series, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2007. LBNL Report No.
S.E. Woosley,
A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, G. Glatzmaier, D. Kasen, A.R. Kerstein, H. Ma,
P. Nugent, F. Ropke, V. Sankaran and M. Zingale, "Type Ia
Supernovae ", SciDAC 2007, J. of Physics: Conference
Series, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2007.
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, J. F. Grcar, M. J. Lijewski, J. F. Driscoll and S. F. Filatyev,
"Numerical Simulation of a Laboratory-Scale Turbulent Slot
Flame", LBNL Report LBNL-59245, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31,
pp. 1299-1307, 2007. [pdf]
J. B. Bell, R.
K. Cheng, M. S. Day and I. G. Shepherd, "Numerical Simulation of
Lewis Number Effects on Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames", LBNL
Report LBNL-59247, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31, pp. 1309-1317
2007. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar
and M. S. Day, "Diagnostics for the Combustion Science Workbench",
LBNL Report LBNL-62505, Proc. 5th US Combustion Meeting,
2007. [pdf]
John B. Bell,
Alejandro L. Garcia and Sarah A. Williams, "Numerical Methods for
the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes Equations", Phys. Rev.
E 76, 016708, 2007. [pdf]
G. S. H. Pau, "
Reduced Basis Method for Band Structure Calculations", Phys.
Rev. E 76, 046704 (2007). [pdf]
E. Cances, C.
Le Bris, N. C. Nguyen, Y. Maday, A. T. Patera, and G. S. H. Pau, "
Feasibility and Competitiveness of a Reduced Basis Approach for Rapid
Electronic Structure Calculations in Quantum Chemistry", In High-Dimensional
Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering, CRM
Proceedings Volume 41, AMS, 2007.
Phillip Colella, John Bell, Noel Keen, Terry Ligocki, Michael Lijewski, Brian van Straalen,
"Performance and Scaling of Locally-Structured Grid Methods for Partial
Differential Equations,, SciDAC 2007 Annual Meeting, 2007.
J. Bell, M.
Day, A. Almgren, M. Lijewski, C. Rendleman, R. Cheng, I. Shepherd, "Simulation
of Lean Premixed Turbulent Combustion ", SciDAC 2006, J.
of Physics: Conference Series, (William Tang, Ed.), Denver, Colorado, 46,
1-15, 2006. LBNL Report No. LBNL-63091. [pdf]
M. Day and J.
Bell, "Simulation of premixed turbulent flames", SciDAC
2006, J. of Physics: Conference Series, (William Tang, Ed.),
Denver, Colorado, 46, 43-47, 2006. LBNL Report No. LBNL-63090. [pdf]
M. Zingale,
A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, M.S. Day, C.A. Rendleman, and S.E. Woosley, "New
Approaches for Modeling Type Ia Supernovae ", SciDAC 2006,
J. of Physics: Conference Series, (William Tang, Ed.), Denver,
Colorado, 46, 385-392, 2006. LBNL Report LBNL-63087.
A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, C. A. Rendleman, and M. Zingale, "Low Mach Number
Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae. II. Energy Evolution", Astrophysical
Journal, 649, 927-938, 2006. LBNL Report LBNL-58673 Pt.
II. [pdf]
A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, C. A. Rendleman, and M. Zingale, "Low Mach Number
Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae. I. Hydrodynamics", Astrophysical
Journal, 637, 922-936, 2006. LBNL Report LBNL-58673. [pdf](revised)
Sarah A.
Williams, Ann S. Almgren, and E. Gerry Puckett, "On Using a Fast
Multipole Method-based Poisson Solver in an Approximate Projection
Method", LBNL Report LBNL-59934, March 2006. [pdf]
Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi and M. Day, "An Embedded Boundary Method
for Viscous, Conducting Compressible Flow", LBNL Report LBNL-56627,
J. Comp. Phys., 216 (1) 37-51, 2006.
J. B. Bell, J.
Foo, and A. L. Garcia, "Algorithm Refinement for the Stochastic
Burgers' Equation", J. Comp. Phys., 223, pp.
451-468, 2007. [pdf]
M. S. Day,
J. B. Bell, J. F. Grcar and M. J. Lijewski, "Equivalence Ratio Effects
in Turbulent, Premixed Methane-Air Flames",
LBNL Report LBNL-59246, Proc. ECCOMAS-CFD 2006. [pdf]
Welcome, Charles Rendleman, Leonid Okiker, Rupak Biswas, "Performance
Characteristics of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Calculation on Scalar
and Vector Platforms", LBNL Report LBNL-59238, International
Conference on Computing Frontiers, Italy, May 2-5, 2006.
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, J. F. Grcar, and M. J. Lijewski, "Active Control for
Statistically Stationary Turbulent Premixed Flame Simulations",
LBNL Report LBNL-58751, Communications in Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science, 1, 29-51, 2006. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar,
M. S. Day, J. B. Bell, "A Taxonomy of Integral Reaction Path
Analysis", LBNL Report LBNL-56772, Combust. Theory Modelling,
10(4), 559-580, 2006. [pdf]
I. G. Shepherd, M. S. Day and R. K. Cheng, "The Dynamics of Flame Flicker
in Conical Premixed Flames: An Experimental and Numerical Study",
LBNL Report LBNL-59249, Dec 2005. [pdf]
Bhanot, Gara, Gupta, Sexton, Walkup, Bulatov, Cook, de Supinski,
Glosli, Greenough, Gyge, Kubota, Louis, Spelce, Streitz, Williams,
Yates, Archer, Moreira, Rendleman, "Scaling physics and material
science applications on a massively
parallel Blue Gene/L system", Proceedings of the 19th Annual
International Conference
on Supercomputing, ICS 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
June 20-22, 246-252, 2005.
J.A. Greenough, B. de Supinski, R. K. Yates, C. Rendleman, D. Skinner,
V. Beckner, M. Lijewski, J. Bell, "Performance of a Block
Structured, Hierarchical Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code on the 64K Node
IBM BlueGene/L Computer", LBNL Report LBNL-57500 Ext. Abs., Supercomputing,
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, I. G. Shepherd, M. Johnson, R. K. Cheng, J. F. Grcar, V. E.
Beckner, M. J. Lijewski, "Numerical Simulation of a
Laboratory-Scale Turbulent V-flame", LBNL Report
LBNL-54198-Journal, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102(29),
10006-10011, 2005. [pdf]
M. Zingale, S.
E. Woosley, C.A. Rendleman, M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell, "Three-dimensional
Numerical Simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor Unstable Flames in
Type Ia Supernovae", LBNL Report LBNL-56966, Astrophysical
Journal, 632, 1021-1034, 2005. [pdf]
M. S. Day, J.
B. Bell, J. F. Grcar, V. E. Beckner, "Numerical Control of 3D
Turbulent Premixed Flame Simulations", LBNL Report LBNL-56882 Ext.
Abs., 20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics
of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 31-August 5, 2005. [pdf]
Horst Simon, William Kramer, William Saphir, John Shalf, David Bailey, Leonid Oliker,
Michael Banda, C. William McCurdy, John Hules, Andrew Canning, Marc Day, Philip Colella,
David Serafini, Michael Wehner and Peter Nugent,
"Science-Driven System Architecture: A New Process for Leadership Class Computing",
J. of the Earth Simulator, 2, pp. 2-10, LBNL 56465, 2005.
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, and J. F. Grcar, M. J. Lijewski, "Stochastic Algorithms for
the Analysis of Numerical Flame Simulations", LBNL Report
LBNL-49326-Journal, J. Comp. Phys., 202, 262-280, 2004.
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, C. A. Rendleman, S. E. Woosley, and M. A. Zingale, "Direct
Numerical Simulations of Type Ia Supernovae Flames II: The
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability", LBNL Report LBNL-54300, Astrophysical
Journal, 608, 883-906, 2004.
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, C. A. Rendleman, S. E. Woosley, and M. A. Zingale, "Direct
Numerical Simulations of Type Ia Supernovae Flames I: The
Landau-Darrieus Instability", LBNL Report LBNL-54088, Astrophysical
Journal, 606, 1029-1038, 2004.
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, C. A. Rendleman, S. E. Woosley, and M. A. Zingale, "Adaptive
low Mach number simulations of nuclear flame microphysics", LBNL
Report 52395, J. Comp. Phys, 195, 677-694, 2004.
J. F. Grcar,
P. Glarborg, J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, A. Loren, and A. D. Jenson, "Effects
of Mixing on Ammonia Oxidation in Combustion Environments at
Intermediate Temperatures", LBNL Report LBNL-54187, Proceedings of
the Combustion Institute, 30, 1193-1200, 2004.
Simon, H., Kramer, W.,
Saphir, W., Shalf, J., Bailey, D., Oliker, L., Banda, M., McCurdy, C.W., Hules,
J., Canning, A., Day, M., Colella, P., Serafini, D., Wehner, M., Nugent, P."National
Facility for Advanced Computational Science: A Sustainable Path to Scientific Discovery",
LBNL Report 5500, April 2004.
D. Trebotich, P. Colella, G. H. Miller, A. Nonaka, T. Marshall, S. Gulati, and D. Liepmann,
"A Numerical Algorithm for Complex Biological Flow in Irregular Microdevice Geometries",
Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show,
2, 470-473, Bostom, MA, March 2004.
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, I. G. Shepherd, M. Johnson, R. K. Cheng, V. E. Beckner, M. J.
Lijewski, J. F. Grcar, "Numerical Simulation of a Laboratory-Scale
Turbulent V-flame", LBNL Report LBNL-54198, 2003. [pdf]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, A. S. Almgren, R. K. Cheng, and I. G. Shepherd, "Numerical
Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Methane Combustion", Proceedings
of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid
Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003. [pdf]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, J. F. Grcar, M. J. Lijewski, M. Johnson, R. K. Cheng, and I. G.
Shepherd, "Numerical Simulation of a Premixed Turbulent V-Flame",
19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and
Reactive Systems, July 27-August 1, 2003. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar,
M. S. Day, and J. B. Bell, "Conditional and opposed reaction path
diagrams for the analysis of fluid-chemistry interactions", LBNL
Report LBNL-52164, 19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of
Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 27-August 1, 2003. [pdf]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, J. F. Grcar, and M. J. Lijewski, "Analysis of carbon
chemistry in numerical simulations of vortex flame interactions",
19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and
Reactive Systems, July 27-August 1, 2003. [pdf]
J. B. Bell,
"AMR for low Mach number reacting flows", LBNL Report LBNL-54351,
Proceedings of the Chicago Workshop on Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Methods, 2003. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar, "Optimal
Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Least Squares", LBNL Report
LBNL-52434, 2003. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar, "Differential
Equivalence Classes for Metric Projections and Optimal Backward Errors",
LBNL Report LBNL-51940, 2003. [pdf]
N. Sullivan, A. D. Jensen, P. Glarborg, M. S.
Day, J. F. Grcar, J. B. Bell, C. J. Pope, and R. J. Kee, "Ammonia
Conversion and NOx Formation in Laminar Coflowing Nonpremixed
Methane-Air Flames", LBNL Report LBNL-49347, Combustion and
Flame 131(3):285-298 (2002). [pdf][Abstract(html)]
J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, J. F. Grcar, W. G.
Bessler, C. Shultz, P. Glarborg, and A. D. Jensen, "Detailed
Modeling and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of Nitric Oxide in an
NH3-seeded non-premixed methane/air flame", LBNL Report LBNL-49333,
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 29:2195-2202
(2002). [pdf][Abstract(html)]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, and J. F. Grcar, "Numerical Simulation of Premixed
Turbulent Methane Combustion", LBNL Report LBNL-49331, Proceedings
of the Combustion Institute, 29:1987-1993 (2002). [pdf][Abstract(html)]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, and J. F. Grcar, "Stochastic Algorithms for the Analysis of
Numerical Flame Simulations", LBNL Report LBNL-49326, 2002. [pdf][Abstract(html)]
J. F. Grcar, "A
Matrix Lower Bound", LBNL Report LBNL-50635, 2002. Revised, 2003. [pdf]
J. F. Grcar, "Min-max
Identities on Boundaries of Convex Sets around the Origin", LBNL
Report LBNL-50634, 2002. [pdf]
L. F.
Henderson, K. Takayama, W. Y. Crutchfield, and S. Itabashi, "The
persistence of regular reflection during strong shock diffraction over
rigid ramps", J. Fluid Mechanics, 431:273-296,
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, A. S. Almgren, M. J. Lijewski, and C. A. Rendleman, "A
Parallel Adaptive Projection Method for Low Mach Number Flows", International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40:209-216, 2002.
Also appears in Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VII,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods
for Fluid Dynamics (ICFD 2001), Oxford University, March 26-29, 2001.
B. Bell, M. S. Day, A. S. Almgren, M. J. Lijewski, and C. A.
Rendleman, "Adaptive numerical simulation of turbulent premixed
combustion", Proceedings of the First MIT Conference on
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 11-15, 2001. [ps.gz]
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, V. E. Beckner, A. L. Kuhl, P. Neuwald and H. Reichenbach "Simulations
of shock-induced mixing and combustion of an acetylene cloud in a
chamber", 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of
Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 29-August 3, 2001.
J. B. Bell, M.
S. Day, J. F. Grcar and A. E. Lutz "Turbulent combustion of
spherical fuel-rich hydrogen pockets", 18th International
Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July
29-August 3, 2001.[pdf]
C. A.
Rendleman, V. E. Beckner, M. J. Lijewski, "Parallelization of an
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Low Mach Combustion,"Proceedings
Computational Science -- ICCS 2001, 1117-1126, San Francisco, CA,
2001. [pdf]
A. S. Almgren,
"A New Look at the Pseudo-Incompressible Solution to Lamb's
Problem of Hydrostatic Adjustment,"J. Atmos. Sci., 57:7,
pp. 995-998, April 2000. [ps.gz][Abstract(html)]
A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, and W. Y. Crutchfield, "Approximate Projection
Methods: Part I. Inviscid Analysis,"
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22:4, pp. 1139-59, 2000.
J. Bell, A.
Chorin, and W. Crutchfield "Stochastic optimal prediction with
application to Averaged Euler equations," Proc. 7th Nat. Conf.
Comput. Fluid Mech., (C. A. Lin, Ed.), Pingtung, Taiwan, pp. 1-13,
2000. [ps.gz]
J. B. Bell, N.
J. Brown, M. S. Day, M. Frenklach, J. F. Grcar and S. R. Tonse "The
Effect of Stoichiometry on Vortex Flame Interactions," LBNL Report
LBNL-44730, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 28,
p.1933-1939, 2000. [ps.gz], [pdf], [Abstract(html)]
J. B. Bell, N. J. Brown, M. S. Day, M. Frenklach, J. F.
Grcar, R. M. Propp and S. R. Tonse "Scaling and Efficiency of
PRISM in Adaptive Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames," LBNL
Report LBNL-44732, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 28,
p.107-113, 2000. [][Abstract(html)]
M. S. Day and
J. B. Bell "Numerical Simulation of Laminar Reacting Flows with
Complex Chemistry," LBNL Report LBNL-44682, Combust. Theory
Modelling 4(4) pp.535-556, 2000. [Abstract(html)][ps.gz][pdf]
D. S. Nolan,
A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell, "Studies of the Relationship
Between Environmental Forcing and the Structure and Dynamics of
Tornado-Like Vortices," LBNL Report LBNL-47554, Sept. 2000. []
R. Propp, P.
Colella, W. Y. Crutchfield, and M.S. Day, "A numerical model for
trickle-bed reactors," LBNL Report LBNL-42936, J. Comp. Phys.,
165, pp. 311-33, 2000.
C. A.
Rendleman, V. E. Beckner, M. Lijewski, W. Y. Crutchfield, J. B. Bell, "Parallelization
of Structured, Hierarchical Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithms,"Computing
and Visualization in Science, Volume 3, pp 147-157, 2000. [pdf]
David E.
Stevens, John B. Bell, Ann S. Almgren, Vincent E. Beckner, and Charles
A. Rendleman, "Small Scale Processes and Entrainment in a
Stratocumulus Marine Boundary Layer," J. Atmos. Sci., 57:4,
pp. 567-581, Feb. 2000. [ps.gz]
S. A. Stanley
and S. Sarkar, "Influence of Nozzle Conditions and Discrete
Forcing on Turbulent Planar Jets," AIAA Journal, Vol. 38,
No. 9, Sept. 2000.
N. Botta, R.
Klein, and A. Almgren, "Dry Atmosphere Asymptotics,"PIK
(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) Report, September
1999. [ps.gz]
N. Botta, R.
Klein, and A. Almgren, "Multiple scales analysis of atmospheric
motions: Impact on modeling and computation,"Proceedings of the
ENUMATH99 Conference, July 1999.
A. L. Garcia,
J. B. Bell, W. Y. Crutchfield, B. J. Alder, "Adaptive Mesh and
Algorithm Refinement Using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo,"J. Comp. Phys., 154, pp.
134-155, 1999. [ps.gz]
R. Klein, N.
Botta, and A. Almgren, "Asymptotic analysis of a dry atmosphere,"Proceedings
of the Workshop on Stochastic Climate Models, Chorin (Brandenburg),
Germany, May 30 - June 2, 1999.
D. S. Nolan,
A. S. Almgren, and J. B. Bell, "High Reynolds Number Simulations
of Axisymmetric Tornado-like Vortices with Adaptive Mesh Refinement,"
LBNL Report LBNL-42860, 1999. [ps.gz]
C. Le Ribault,
S. Sarkar and S. A. Stanley, "Large Eddy Simulation of a Plane
Jet," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 10, Oct. 1999.
S. A. Stanley
and S.Sarkar, "Direct Numerical Simulation of the Developing
Region of Turbulent Planar Jets," AIAA Paper 99-0288, Jan.
Mark M.
Sussman, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis H.
Howell, Michael Welcome, "An Adaptive Level Set Approach for
Incompressible Two-Phase Flows," LBNL Report LBNL-40327, J.
Comp. Phys., 148, pp. 81-124, 1999. [ps.gz]
A. S. Almgren,
J. B. Bell, P. Colella, L. H. Howell, and M. L. Welcome, "A
Conservative Adaptive Projection Method for the Variable Density
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations,"J. Comp. Phys., 142,
pp. 1-46, 1998.
G. I.
Barenblatt, J. B. Bell, W. Y. Crutchfield, "The thermal explosion
revisited," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America, 95, pp.13384-13386, November
M. S. Day, P.
Colella, M. Lijewski, C. A. Rendleman and D. L. Marcus "Embedded
Boundary Algorithms for Solving the Poisson Equation on Complex
Domains," LBNL Report LBNL-41811, 1998. [ps.gz,2724394 bytes][Abstract(html)]
R.B. Pember,
L.H. Howell, J.B. Bell, P. Colella, W.Y. Crutchfield, W.A. Fiveland,
and J.P. Jessee, "An Adaptive Projection Method for Unsteady,
Low-Mach Number Combustion,"Comb. Sci. Tech., 140,
pp. 123-168, 1998.
Ann S.
Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Tyler Marthaler, "A
Cartesian Grid Projection Method for the Incompressible Euler Equations
in Complex Geometries," SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 18:5,
pp. 1289-1309, Sept. 1997.
J.A. Greenough, J.B. Bell, P. Colella, E.G. Puckett, "A Numerical Study
of Shock-Induced Mixing of a Helium Cylinder: Comparison with
Experiment", Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on
Shock Waves.
L. F.
Henderson, W. Y. Crutchfield, and R. J. Virgona. "The Effects of
Heat Conductivity and Viscosity of Argon on Shock Wave Diffracting over
Rigid Ramps," J. Fluid Mech., 331, 1997, pp. 1-36.
L. H. Howell
and V. E. Beckner, "A Discrete Ordinates Algorithm for Domains
with Embedded Boundaries,"Journal of Thermophysics and Heat
Transfer, N4:549-555, Oct-Dec 1997. [Abstract(html)][revised: ps.gz, 95787 bytes]
L. H. Howell
and J. B. Bell, "An Adaptive-Mesh Projection Method for Viscous
Incompressible Flow," SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 18:4,
pp. 996-1013, July 1997. [ps.gz,
1022967 bytes][Abstract(html)]
E. Gerry Puckett, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Daniel L. Marcus, William J.
Rider,"A Higher-Order Projection Method for Tracking Fluid
Interfaces in Variable Density Incompressible Flows,",
J. Comp. Phys., 130, pp. 269-282, 1997.
M. Sussman, A.S. Almgren, J.B.Bell, P. Colella, L.H. Howell and M. Welcome,
"An Adaptive Level Set Approach for Incompressible Two-Phase Flows",
LBNL-40327, April 1997.
S. Almgren, John B. Bell, William G. Szymczak, "A
Numerical Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Based
on an Approximate Projection," SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 17:2,
March 1996.
Robert F.
Almgren and Ann S. Almgren, "Phase Field Instabilities and
Adaptive Mesh Refinement," Modern Methods for Modeling
Microstructure in Materials, TMS/SIAM, 1996 (Proceedings of TMS
meeting, October 1995, Cleveland, OH).
M. Day, B.
Merriman, F. Najmabadi and R. W. Conn, "The Effects of Heat Flux
Limiting on Divertor Fluid Models," Plasma Phys, 36,
1996. [ps.gz] [html]
R.B. Pember,
P. Colella, L.H. Howell, A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, W.Y. Crutchfield,
V.E. Beckner, K.C. Kaufman, W.A. Fiveland, and J.P. Jessee, "The
Modeling of a Laboratory Natural Gas-Fired Furnace with a Higher-Order
Projection Method for Unsteady Combustion," UCRL-JC-123244,
February, 1996. [Paper(ps.gz)] [Abstract(ps.gz)] Poster Session(ps.gz)
Mark M.
Sussman, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis H.
Howell, Michael Welcome, "An Adaptive Level Set Approach for
Incompressible Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the ASME
Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting: Forum on Advances in Numerical
Modeling of Free Surface and Interface Fluid Dynamics, July 1996. [Abstract(html)]
Ann S.
Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Tyler Marthaler "A
Cell-Centered Cartesian Grid Projection Method for the Incompressible
Euler Equations in Complex Geometries,"Proceedings of the 12th
AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, June
19-22, 1995.
Ann S.
Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis H. Howell, Michael
Welcome, "A High-Resolution Adaptive Projection Method for
Regional Atmospheric Modeling," Proceedings of the NGEMCOM
Conference sponsored by the U.S. EPA, August 7-9, 1995, Bay City,
MI. [html]
John B. Bell,
Phillip Colella, Jeffrey A. Greenough, Daniel L. Marcus, "A
Multi-Fluid Algorithm for Compressible, Reacting Flow," AIAA
95-1720, Proceedings of the 12th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, San Diego, CA, June, 19-22, 1995.
M. Day, "Numerical
Studies of the Tokamak Edge Fluid Equations," PhD. dissertation,
UCLA, February 28, 1995. [ps.gz]
M. Day and B.
Merriman, "Divertor Modeling with Implicit/Explicit Numerical
Methods," APS Division of Plasma Physics Conference, Louisville,
KY, November 6-10, 1995.
J.A. Greenough, V. Beckner, R. B. Pember, W. Y. Crutchfield, J. B. Bell, and
P. Colella, "An Adaptive Multifluid Interface-Capturing Method for
Compressible Flow in Complex Geometries," AIAA-95-1718, Proceedings
of the 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1995. [ps.gz]
J.A. Greenough, W.Y. Crutchfield, C.A. Rendleman "Numerical Simulation
of a Wave-Guide Mixing Layer on a Cray C-90", AIAA-95-2174, Proceedings
of the 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, June
Daniel L. Marcus, Richard B. Pember, John B. Bell,
"Induction Time Effects in Pulse Combustors,"
AIAA 95-0875, 33rd AIAA Aerospace
Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 8-12, 1995. [ps.gz]
Richard B. Pember, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis Howell,
and Mindy Lai, "A Higher-Order Projection Method for the
Simulation of Unsteady Turbulent Nonpremixed Combustion in an
Industrial Burner," Proceedings of the 8th International
Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion, San Francisco, CA,
July 16-20, 1995. [ps.gz][Abstract(ps.gz)][Preprint (ps.gz)] [Fig. 2,3] [Fig.4]
R.B. Pember, A.S. Almgren, W.Y. Crutchfield, L.H. Howell, J.B. Bell, P. Colella, and
V.E. Beckner, "An Embedded Boundary Method for the Modeling of
Unsteady Combustion in an Industrial Gas-Fired Furnace," WSS/CI
95F-165, 1995 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the
Combustion Institute, Stanford University, October 30--31, 1995. [Paper(ps.gz)] [Abstract(ps.gz)]
R.B. Pember, J.B. Bell, P. Colella, W.Y.
Crutchfield, and M.L. Welcome, "An Adaptive Cartesian Grid Method
for Unsteady Compressible Flow in Irregular Regions," J. Comp.
Phys., 120:2, pp. 278-304, Sept. 1995. [ps.gz][Abstract(ps.gz)]
Steinthorsson, David Modiano, William Y. Crutchfield, John B. Bell,
Phillip Colella, "An Adaptive Semi-Implicit Scheme for Simulations
of Unsteady Viscous Compressible Flow," AIAA 95-1727-CP, Proceedings
of the 12th AIAA CFD Conference, San Diego, CA, June 19-22, 1995.
A.S. Almgren,
T. Buttke, P. Colella, "A Fast Adaptive Vortex Method In Three
Dimensions,"J. Comp. Phys., 113:2, pp. 177-200,
P. Colella and
W. Y. Crutchfield, "A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm
on the C-90," Energy Research Power Users Symposium, July 12, 1994.
D.L. Marcus,
R.B. Pember, J.B. Bell, V. E. Beckner, D. Simkins, and M. Welcome, "Multidimensional
Numerical Simulation of a Pulse Combustor,", AIAA 94-2351, 25th
Annual Proceedings of the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, June
20-23, 1994. [ps.gz][Abstract(ps.gz)]
Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis H. Howell,
"An Adaptive Projection Method for the Incompressible Euler Equations,"
Proceedings of the AIAA 11th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference July 1993,
Orlando, FL. [Abstract(html)]
Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Louis H. Howell and Phillip Colella, "An
Adaptive Projection Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes
Equations,"Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress,
Atlanta, July 1994, pp. 537-540.
W. Y. Crutchfield and M. L. Welcome,
"Object-Oriented Implementations of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithms,"
Scientific Programming 2, pp. 145-156, 1993.
R.I. Klein,
J.B. Bell, R.B. Pember, T. Kelleher, "Three Dimensional
Hydrodynamic Calculations with Adaptive Mesh Refinement of the
Evolution of Rayleigh Taylor and Richtmyer Meshkov Instabilities in
Converging Geometry: Multi-mode Perturbations," Proceedings of
the 4th International Workshop on Physics of Compressible Turbulent
Mixing, Cambridge, England, March 1993. [ps.gz.]
R.B. Pember,
J.B. Bell, P. Colella, W.Y. Crutchfield, and M.L. Welcome, "Adaptive
Cartesian Grid Methods for Representing Geometry in Inviscid
Compressible Flow," Proceedings of the 11th AIAA CFD Conference,
Orlando, Florida, July 1993. (See above)
for journal version of this paper.
M. Lai, P. Colella, J. Bell,
"A Projection Method for Combustion in the Zero Mach Number Limit,"
Proceedings of the AIAA 11th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference July 1993,
Orlando, FL.