Saurabh S. Sawant
Postdoctoral Scholar, Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division
Contact Information
MS 50A-3111
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
1 Cyclotron Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94720
[email protected]
I am a postdoctoral scholar in the microelectronics team at the
Center for Computational
Sciences and Engineering (CCSE)
at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
As a part of the Microelectronics effort, I lead the development of an exascale electrostatic-quantum transport solver, ELEQTRONeX, for modeling electron/phonon transport through nanomaterials. Leveraging the nonequilibrium Green's function method and HPC, the code enables analysis of charge transport within intricate 3D structures. Additionally, I've contributed to electrodynamic modeling of microelectronic circuits using the ARTEMIS Maxwell solver.
I earned my M.S. and Ph.D. in the Aerospace Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in May 2022. During PhD, I worked on modeling hypersonic flows and led the development of a massively scalable software for solving the Boltzmann Transport equation, using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Using this tool, I studied challenging problems at the intersection of statistical mechanics, hypersonics, and linear stability analysis, such as modeling 3D shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions.
More information about my background and projects can be found at my webpage.
Select Journal Publications
S. S. Sawant, F. Leonard, Z. Yao, A. Nonaka. (2024) ELEQTRONeX: A GPU-Accelerated Exascale Framework for Non-Equilibrium Quantum Transport in Nanomaterials
submitted for publication.
Sawant, S. S., Yao, J., Jambunathan, R., & Nonaka, A. (2023)
Characterization of Transmission Lines in Microelectronic Circuits Using the ARTEMIS Solver. IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 8, pp. 31-39.
Sawant, S. S., Theofilis, V., & Levin, D. A. (2022) On the synchronisation of three-dimensional shock layer and laminar separation bubble instabilities in hypersonic flow over a double wedge.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 941, A7.
Sawant, S. S., Levin, D. A., & Theofilis, V. (2022)
Analytical prediction of low-frequency fluctuations inside a one-dimensional shock.
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. , 36, 25-40.
Sawant S. S., Levin, D. A., & Theofilis, V. (2021)
A kinetic approach to studying low-frequency molecular fluctuations in a one-dimensional shock.
Physics of Fluids , 33 (10), 104106.
Sawant S. S., Rao, P., Harpale, A., Chew, H. B., & Levin, D. A. (2019)
Multi-scale thermal response modeling of an AVCOAT-like thermal protection material.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 133, 1176-1195.
Sawant S. S., Tumuklu, O., Jambunathan, R., & Levin, D. A. (2018)
Application of adaptively refined unstructured grids in DSMC to shock wave simulations.
Computers & Fluids , 170, 197-212.